Chapter 12: Wynter's Rage

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Wynter's P.O.V.

I walked as fast as I could trying to find that pathetic coward I used to call a friend. How dare he hurt Veronica like that? I don't care if I've known him for a long time. I'm going to give him a piece of my mind, even if it means the risk of losing my third-in-command status.

"Why is she looking so mad?"

"I heard Veronica and Wyatt broke up."

"He cheated, apparently. Why is she butting in? Stupid wolves are so complicated."

My anger got the best of me and I roared, my eyes and moonstone glowing. "Keep your filthy little mouths shut or I will rip every single one of you you to shreds!"

They all scurried out of there as I continued walking until I caught his scent and he was talking with some of the other pack members outside of the school, where the field was. I stomped my way over and they all looked at me with worry.

"Wynter! Have you seen Veronica because she's-"

"Hurt because of you!" I shouted as I pounced on him and tackled him to the ground. I began punching him multiple times and using my claws to rip at his chest and face.

"Wynter, stop!" I heard one of the pack members say.

Wyatt tried fighting back and it soon became a brawl involving fangs, claws, punches, you name it. It got to a point where I bit into his neck and pinned him to the ground. I roared with rage as my vision went haywire, my self-control not even close to surfacing.

I rose my hand and clawed his stomach, making him roar in pain before I was finally pulled off by Sadie, Wade, and Warren.

"You hurt my best friend and now I will hurt you! You're a pathetic excuse of a wolf! You're no longer a friend to me! You're nothing but a cheater and a liar! Your little sardine is next after I'm done with you!" I roared at the end.

"What are you talking about? I don't remember anything from this morning! All I remember is waking up in a classroom that was destroyed. I wouldn't betray my mate!" he explained.

"Well, you just did!" I yelled.

Some of the other pack members came and took Wyatt away before I felt the somewhat radiating power come from the next voice.

"Wynter! Calm down!"

At that point, my rage had vanished. I breathed heavily as sweat and blood stains lingered on my face, falling to my knees, Sadie laying her head on mine. The other two wolves kept their hold on me as my mate kissed my head and calmed me down.

I looked up and saw Willa and Veronica walking over. One looked pissed off and the other shocked. "All of you, go! Except for you three. Keep a hold on her." Willa said.

"Wynter, what the hell were you thinking?" Veronica asked.

"He hurt you, Veronica! What else did you want me to do?!" I replied as Wade and Warren's grips on me tightened, making me wince in pain. I growled at them and they growled back.

"That doesn't give you the right to hurt him, Wynter! You nearly killed him!" Willa said.

"What would you know, Willa?! Huh?! Clearly, you don't know what it's like to be heartbroken by someone you love so much because all that matters is power to you! You are so miserable that you try and put yourself above others because you know damn well that you were going to lose your alpha position one way or another! So, shut up because you clearly don't understand anything!" I yelled.

"Veronica, you knew what happened before with that piece of shit, Randall! He cheated on you, didn't he?! Before the abuse happened?! Then, what the hell is the problem with me giving a cheater a piece of my mind?! Do you like for cheaters like those two to go about their day like nothing happened?! Wyatt claims to be this strong alpha male, yet he lets his guard down with a fish stick like Diondra enough for her to manipulate him?! Like, come on! You know what?" I broke out of the two male wolves' grips and glared at the two girls in front of me.

"Take away my status for all I care! But, remember, I did this as justice for you! I've played the nice girl all my life. Well, not anymore! Screw this! I'm out of here!" I said, grabbing Sadie's hand and dragging her with me.

"Where are we going?" my mate asked me.

"Anywhere but here." I replied as the both of us walked until we were outside of Seabrook.

I didn't regret anything because when it comes to my loved ones' feelings, you know damn well that under this adorable look, I'm a deadly force to not mess with.

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