Chapter 15: Family Getaway

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Veronica's P.O.V.

I woke up with my head on Sadie's shoulder, still in the car. I rubbed my eyes and saw we were already pulling up to the lake house we were renting for the week. We were about three hours away from Seabrook. Despite everything that's happened, I just wanted the comfort and time with my one and only true family.

I left Willa and Wynter in charge as acting Alpha and Beta. Them and the pack had no problem with it, since they understood my situation. I still hadn't went to mine and Wyatt's house, since I began staying in Seabrook with my family again, although I did do my duties. He was still living in the house, but I never went back.

"You okay, honey?" my mom asked as she turned to look at me.

"Yeah, Just daydreaming." I replied.

My dad parked the truck just as Claire parked her own next to us. We all got out and began unloading our luggage. I got my suitcase and backpack down before we made it into the lake house. I smiled, knowing that I had a chance to replenish and get away from reality for a while.

"Go ahead and explore it. The rooms have already been chosen for you and we'll catch up." Mom said, followed by my dad and Claire nodding.

We got inside and I smiled at the beautiful interior.

We even had a view of the whole lake and I couldn't wait to just sit outside and soak up the sun and listen to the sounds of the water flowing softly

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

We even had a view of the whole lake and I couldn't wait to just sit outside and soak up the sun and listen to the sounds of the water flowing softly. Maybe even jet-ski on the lake or swim in the pool.

I went upstairs to my selected room and began unpacking my clothes and necessities when I got a text from Wyatt. I didn't bother viewing it and decided to turn off my phone for the rest of my stay here. I told my friends that I'd chat with them through video chat, but that was it. I wanted to take my mind off what happened.

Once I was done unpacking, I decided to go see if Ethan was done unpacking his own stuff. By the time I got to his room, I saw his clothes and dinosaur toys scattered on the bed.

"Let me help, buddy." I said as I helped him sort out the toys on the dresser. "Sissy, will we ever see dinosaurs again?" he asked.

"I don't know, buddy. We didn't get to see them. They've been gone for a long time. Maybe these good people called scientists will bring one back to life someday." I said.

Ethan's eyes lit up. "I hope they bring back the Triceratops! That's my favorite!"

I chuckled before I put his clothes away in the drawers. I saw his floaties and looked back at my brother.

"Mom, we're going to the pool!" I called out from the room.

"Only if you've finished unpacking!" she replied from downstairs.

I told him to go put on his swim clothes and meet me at the pool, making sure I blew his floaties so he could put them on. I went into my room and put on a pair of swim shorts and a tank top.

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⏰ Última actualización: Mar 27, 2023 ⏰

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