The two waited for the bus next to the post, the cool breeze brushing off the two as a pleasant aroma from nearby flowers and plants filled the air. Bokuto noticed Akaashi's perplexed expression so he decided to bring up something.

"Hey, so y'know about the rumours at school? Do you think it was that particular group of people or some other group, like not the one we passed in the hallway." He managed to blurt out. Akaashi snapped out of his thoughts, nodding. "All we know is that it's a group of rebellious kids, which that brings it down by a whole lot for obvious reasons. It should be fairly easy to identify the group of people who started it unless it wasn't those kids.." He stated, the last part didn't sound reassuring nor pleasing to the ear. Bokuto's head lifted up, staring at the clear blue sky in thought. Maybe it wasn't those kids, maybe it was.. I actually have no clue who it could be..

Bokuto decided to back off from the topic as Akaashi started a whole conspiracy on who it could be. The rambling sure did get out of hand until the bus arrived and so he came to an abrupt halt. Once they boarded, he continued. Even the bus driver gave the two a look of concern when the left, Bokuto just shrugging dumbfounded.

Once they sat in the spot at the back of the school, Bokuto lay a soothing hand on Akaashi's. His touch was enough to calm him down as they shared a gentle smile. The spring breeze tussled with his hair, the magnificent scenery of the yards cherry blossoms in full bloom was one to behold. Bokuto's eyes wandered along the cherry blossoms, an idea popping in his head. He decided to keep it for later as the ear piecing bell ringed.


The two found each other in the hallway, meeting up in the bustling crowd filled with bubbly chatter. The two managed to manoeuvre their way out of the crowd, strolling together in the cool Spring air. The two seated themselves on the exact bench they were previously on, the warm beams of sunshine cozying them up. The seats had a cold touch, making just the younger boy shiver. So Akaashi awkwardly scooted closer to Bokuto as he was emitting way more warmth than he was. His face became slightly flustered as the two snuggled up together. Their hands slipped through the gap and entered the area behind the bench, intertwining. Both of their warmth had a soothing effect on one another which helped the two out a lot. They knew they could comfort one another with just their touch.

"Oh, so you guys look really close!" Tanaka entered brightly, waving at the two. Akaashi redacted his hand out of reflex as Bokuto whimpered. "Yeah.. We've known each other for a couple of years now," he chuckled lightly, the awkward tension slowly killing him.
How dense must this guy be?.. He can't possibly be more dense then this owl right here.. (I wrote hee instead of here whoOps)

"Anyways.. Have you guys come up with any suspects yet?" He eyed them carefully, fiddling with his sleeve. A sour taste entered both of their mouths, which one?
"Not really.. Haven't really reduced down to many people as we would of liked to honestly," he fiddled with his fingers attentively. Tanaka nodded understandingly, his gaze then flickered upon Bokuto who was focusing on balancing a stick on his head?..

The group chatted together, Tanaka jotting down notes on who it could be spreading the rumours. He passed on the notes to Akaashi, waving goodbye and leaving them. Akaashi sighed, deciding to have a snack since he hadn't eaten anything just yet.
Why did that figure look so familiar.. Akaashi couldn't get the thought out of his head about the figure he saw that night.

Akaashi had just finished his snack as the bell ringed, Akaashi reluctantly got up from the now warm seat. The two headed off to class together.

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