Chapter 12

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Pic above Carrie sitting in a cell. Song is Evanescence Whisper.

Warning ⚠️ this chapters contains torture themes and violence move to the next chapter if you don't wish to read it.

Anonymous's POV

My plan to have the Spears killed failed the stupid pup if only his older sister was the murdering kind she wouldn't fail now I not only have that stupid pack on my case but the bloody werewolf council on my ass.
"YOU FUCKING FOOL, YOU DO REALISE I NEEDED YOU TO END YOUR BLOODLINE, WHAT KIND OF WEAK MURDERER ARE YOU!" Such a pathetic shit maybe I'll just feed him to the council or worse the werewolf pack that protects the two shits vein of my life.

"Master I know I failed you, I hold no loyalty to my so-called sisters, I have the upmost desire to watch their lifeless body's die by my hands sir u-uh I mean Master. You gave me a gift I will not squander it this time, let me prove myself Master I beg you."

"ENOUGH I DON'T DO SECOND CHANCES! You will be an easy target for that pack they will pathetically hand you over to the council I don't care anymore. Oh give your sister Taliah a message from me." I whispered in his ear. "When you see your sister tell her she better enjoy what's left of her existence that her life will be woefully and violently tortured from her very bones. I'm looking forward to our reunion." "NO D-DON'T HURT MY F-RIEND, SHE'S YOUR SISTER DON'T YOU CARE ASSHOLE!" "why my sweet darling Carrie don't you want to be reunited with your best and only friend in this world." My weak, pathetic toy started to cry and shake. Luke glared at her "SHE'S NOT MY SISTER ANYMORE YOU FILTHY MAGOT!"
"Taliah doesn't deserve this monster, I maybe weak but she is my friend she got away from you once she'll not come back, I'll always miss her but she's better off without a crazy monster like you!" I've never heard such disrespect. "Well you'll just have to be severely punished for having the balls to say that to me, I feed and clothe you, you retched little human." I snarled at her cowering figure.

Carrie's POV

Another day another pain why did I have to open my big mouth 'Taliah were are you, stay safe please don't come back.' "Well shit head you coming or do I need to use force." "N-no I'm coming sir." I walked out of my dank cell and sat on the chair that was my torture and punishment for speaking without permission.
He gaged my mouth he always stank of sewage, I hated this part he turned on the electric and I felt my heart being shocked out of me screaming into my gag, he didn't turn it off till my heart nearly stopped, then he turned it off and moved me to the hanging area. He let me regain my regular heartbeat pace before putting the noose around my neck securing it tight as my tears started to fall I was never as brave as Taliah when she endured this at the age of six she didn't cry she told me one day we'll both be free from this place, if you only have the courage to stay strong and fight back. So everyday I do what she said besides he only hurts me to the point I nearly loose my life I'm still alive, I always have her words to comfort me. I wander if she thinks of me I know I do. Then the floor collapses beneath me as I hang there struggling to breathe, when he's satisfied I've hung long enough he cuts the rope and I fall to the floor then he realises my noose  I gulp in so much air. "Now do you have anything you want to tell me or shall I continue with punishment." I cough to clear my sore throat. N-N-No sir I'm sorry for speaking without permission, I shouldn't have disrespected you." He took my fake apology as if it were true. "Good you have your weekly dinner in your room (cell) go get out of my sight and not another word do you hear." I nodded and stood feeling dizzy, but not wanting to be near him anymore as I walked slowly to my cell. He never fed me much and I only got fed once a week, at least I received water everyday and I was allowed to wash myself as much as I wanted so it could be worse right.

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