Chapter 2

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Luke's POV

I'm so sick of my overbearing family and that dog, I'd kill it if it didn't freak me out it's like he's after me personally. I grab my bag with my knife and drugs in it and climb out the window to see my friends. I greet the gang and we discuss our fucked up families. I love these guys they know the real me. I used to love my sisters then I grew up and saw the light women are weak just look at my own mother, dad has to come in and ruin my fun.

Dose as we all call him decides to go to the park and take our drugs. We see a woman running, who runs at this time of night but I saw her meek life and Dose nudged my shoulder I grabbed my knife, and pulled my sleeve down to hide it. I ran up to the woman pretending to be a blubbering kid that can't find my way home. She obviously fell for my awesome acting skills. "It's ok Hun are you on your own," I nodded between my 'tears' she looked around as if to look for someone I would know. She told me to follow her out of the park, whilst I gripped the knife and stabbed her she gasped holding her wounded neck, I liked it and continued stabbing her repeatedly then my friends came up high-fives me and I threw the knife in the lake. Wow I felt so powerful it felt amazing I know weird people think I'm psycho, but we come, we live, and we die you know 'the circle of life.'

Harper's POV

I couldn't sleep my throat felt dry so I got up as Shilo followed me I wasn't looking and heard Shilo give a low growl as I accidentally bumped into my brother. "Jesus get out of my way worm." As he shoved me against the banister. "Aahhh" Shilo leaped on him and tackled him to the ground snarling I see his saliva drip on Luke eeww. Shilo got off him after a bit and rubbed his head on me and I left to get my glass. Wait why was my brother fully clothed in the middle of the night shouldn't he be in his pyjamas, odd right anyway. I filled my glass and said night to Shilo as he walked into Taliah's room. I drank the whole glass, I was still scared so I snuck into Taliah's room and shook her shoulder lightly. "Mmmhhh w-wa" "sissy I'm sorry to wake you, can I sleep in your room Luke hurt me." She sat up instantly and pulled me into a hug. "What did that stupid boy do, shouldn't he be sleeping." "I got up to get some water when Shilo growled" Tay nodded in concern I love my older sister she does everything with me and is like a second mummy to me. "I looked up I saw Luke he called me a worm and pushed me into the banister." I lift my top and point but I didn't need to point Taliah gasped at my bruise. "We've got to tell mum and dad" I shook my head "no p-please I don't want him hurting me anymore." Tay hugged me close stroking my back careful not to hurt my side and we lay down as I pulled her arm around me.

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