Chapter 8

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pic of Sinfonia Duke Kyle's black Andalusian stallion horse. Pic bellow of the light wooden indoor stables with British tack room.

Taliah's POV

It has been a month since my parents death Kyle took care of the funeral every weekend since Harper and I visit their graves, we are heavily guarded though which upsets me greatly but it's for our safety. I'm back at Uni they said I could take some more time off but my parents wouldn't be too proud if I did that, plus it's a great distraction from everything going on.
We've been accepted into the pack I am officially a Luna I had to take a blood oath, it was amazing it was like a huge formal event of course Harper had to have a tiara 👸 for the princess she is. I got to meet the whole pack everyone except a few girls was really welcoming.

Kyle was in a panic all day the council were coming over and my brother was now missing, we were all on edge. I straddled his knees and forced him to look at me, "it's going to be fine, they'll come and then leave you don't have to beat yourself up it's not your fault my bitten brother got away." He nodded and placed his nose on my neck to take in my scent that would always calm him.

When the doorbell rang Harper answered it and came running to me "sis somebody, somebody council here want to speak to you." I told her to take Shilo out for a walk and to take James with them she did as instructed both Kyle and I went to greet the council.
"Good morning Miss Spears I'm Alpha Conrad" he was tall and a bit older looking than George Kyles dad with silver hair I shook his hand "and these are Alpha Thomas and Alpha Zander." They all seemed polite enough Alpha Zander was the most closed off out of them all I shook there hands and Kyle and I escorted them to the office were everyone knew not to disturb this meeting.
"Tell us Ms Spears what exactly happened to you and your young sister on 3rd of April." Alpha Zander decided to go straight to interrogation. I explained what happened when my brother walked in that night both my parents were still out, that he had a massive horrible bite mark on his shoulder that I tried to clean, he also appeared to have a fever. I rang my father and he said he would be back shortly to take a look at him, I then sent Luke to bed, sang my little sister to sleep changed for bed and heard the back door open and close knowing it was my parents home and my dog and I went to sleep.
"Had your brother ever been violent to you or your family's?" Wow these questions are hard to answer calmly. Kyle rubbed my back and then held my hand to help calm me.
"We all use to be like buddies if anyone at school hurt Harper he was the first one there to straighten them out. As he became a teenager he started to show more signs of aggression mainly to our mother. My hands were shaking my voice too thinking of my parents was hard to do, Kyle kissed my head "it's ok baby your doing great." I sniffed and cleared my throat taking a deep breath. "He often hit my mum mainly when my dad wasn't there, he wouldn't try that in front of him. Both Harper and I knew our mum was afraid of Luke, she always felt guilty saying she created a monster but we all knew that wasn't true. When I bought Shilo my dog he took a disliking to Luke almost immediately even as a puppy he would snarl at Luke if he went to pet him. Shilo is great at protecting us all, when I would go to uni and leave Harper at school Shilo was there to protect my mum from Luke. My brother did get involved with a bad gang and started taking drugs. So yes he was sometimes violent and mostly verbally abusive to myself and Harper."
They continued to question me, then Kyle at what he saw, what he's done since. They were finishing up our interrogation when Harper ran in squealing excitedly. "I'm so sorry" I started to apologise to the council members they smiled and said it was fine we were finished and they'd be in touch with us. They shook our hands even Harper's and we waved them off.
I took Harper's hand and pulled her shoulders towards me. "What's with all the excitement" Harper looked at Kyle with a devilish smile that they both shared. "Ok someone better tell me something." I was getting annoyed now. Harper came back with something behind her back I was curious, but Kyle grabbed my hand "Babe close your eyes" I rolled my eyes but did as instructed, then I felt a blindfold get tied around my head. Kyle took both my hands told me to take a step down he guided me outside somewhere I heard horses, I think Harper was running ahead. Then we stopped. "Babe you and your sister have been through so much I wanted to give you something you both would enjoy and I didn't want you to feel like a prisoner in your pack, so myself and the pack built you this." He removed my blindfold my face was priceless mouth agape I started crying he chuckled and hugged me. "Those better be happy tears, there's the stables, tack room and a small kitchen in the back. There's also two bundles of joy in the trailer yet to christen their new home, you want to do the honours my lady." I gave him a massive kiss he was shocked but quickly pulled me closer my sister tugged on my top, "alright that's enough I want to put Merry-legs in her new home." Wow that was my first kiss I blushed hiding my face and turned to flee. He grabbed my hand and kissed my flushed cheek. "Don't hide that blush babe, you can kiss." He winked and I turned then he slapped my ass I yelped turning glaring at him. He averted his eyes whistling and smirking.
I unhooked the horses Harper took Merry-legs off first she looked around and whinnied nervously Merry-legs got stressed in new places in time she'll get use to her new home. Grace on the other hand was cool about everything to help put Merry-legs at ease I told Harper to follow behind Grace, she did we put them into neighbouring stables with very comfy rubber matting and a sawdust bed for comfort. "This place is absolutely stunning hunny I love it thank you." Kyle followed behind us as we removed the horses head collars (halters if your in the US) to let them explore their beds.
Kyle showed us the tack room and kitchen I was speechless it was all beautifully crafted Harper skipped around merrily in front of us.

Kyle showed us the tack room and kitchen I was speechless it was all beautifully crafted Harper skipped around merrily in front of us

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"That lovely Andalusian stallion at the end is mine his name is Sinfonia Duke, he's happy to be surrounded by lovely mares."

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