Chapter 17

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Tahlias POV

This silent treatment is hard work but I will persevere I used to be able to do this as a kid that was years ago. "Come on baby, hey Harper do you know why your sister won't talk to me she's been like this since yesterday." "Oh the silent treatment love it sis I taught you well. Yup sorry bro whatever you did or said you may eat dog do now, she won't break until you agree with whatever reason she decided not to talk to you on. Your a wolf your suppose to be smart think man think, well I'm off Kiara and I are gonna muck out, keep it up sis he'll break real soon." I nodded as she patted my shoulder and left, last night Kyle slept on the sofa his parents are loving this.

James came in "Good god Alpha just let her tag along I'm fed up listening to you moan all day... no offence Alpha." "Is that what your not talking to me about the fact I won't take you with us to find your friend." I looked up at him whilst James shouted "DING DING DING WE HAVE A WINNER." Kyle was exasperated "Look baby I'm sorry I don't want to be the bad guy here but if I take you with me he could hurt you or worse if we're outnumbered he could take you, I promise I will leave no stone unturned I'll find Carrie, I'd do anything for you, slap me, swear at me but please just talk to me anything's better than this." I know he means well and I see truth in what he's doing but I haven't seen my best friend in over a decade I want to help find her so I continue the silent treatment. As it turns out it's easier than I thought.

Since yesterday Harper has asked several times if Luke is ok. I can't find the words and when I try to talk about it Kyle walks in and I shut my mouth. I am missing him but I'm also stubborn and won't give in once I've made my mind up on doing something I always see it through.
I have to do my assignment so that helps distract me so far not to brag but I'm acing my classes but I'm doing something I love so I can't really go wrong of course Kyle and the others are going on a hunch as to wear Carrie could be I don't remember much but I told James what I do remember only that it was near a waterfall and underground you could hear water pipes from inside it had a maze of dark tunnels, old cells all around the tunnels and a large circular torture arena at the centre of the tunnels. I was six years old so you can't expect me to give anymore detail than that. Plus she may not be there anymore. I know I should have told Kyle right but that would defeat my purpose I'm still helping just that James is the messenger for me.
Tomorrow they will go on the first search, I do hope they find her I want to be there when they do but I think my mate's nearly as stubborn as me. I'm finishing my assignment when Kyle walks in. "Baby please talk to me I can't take this, you gotta know I'm doing this because I love you." I huff in response. "Look all I want is for you to be safe and if you go with me and we get separated he gets what he wants and could take you from me and that would break me to loose you." He left to his office almost in tears ok now I feel guilty I just want to see her so bad I've missed her everyday for 13 years.

Ok I don't want him to leave tomorrow upset so I'll let him sleep here with me tonight plus I also can't sleep without him his scent calms me so I'll break my silence Oh dinner yes. I run down stairs we're Shilo is looking at Olivia begging for food. "Shilo place" I command and he lies on the rug and doesn't move. Wow I miss my voice, Kyle looks up with a sad puppy dog look so cute but quickly avoids my gaze as he watches the sports again.
"Dinners up" Olivia yelled and everyone grabbed a plate ok here goes. "Kyle Fine you can go without me but you will link with me first thing when you find her." He lite up like a fire cracker lifting me up and spinning me around. "I promise I'll do that baby u-um can I sleep with you tonight before I leave tomorrow." He said as he scratched the back of his neck and his cheeks turned tomatoes red. "Yes I know you can't sleep without me." He kissed me until we heard throats clearing I pulled back and smiled at him. I guess I'll see my friend soon enough. We spent the night in bed watching tv and cuddling each other.

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