Chapter 43- Lou versus Ni pt.2

Start from the beginning

"I'll be okay, babe. Don't worry." He whispered.

I lid him to the side of the track once he didn't lift his lid yet. When I do not think he would any sooner, I sat him on a tree stump. Before I could do anything, Niall peered me away from Louis, stepping into the situation.

"What are you doing?" I asked, holding my rabbit with both of my hands now. I furrowed my eyes at him as I stayed at my brother's side. "Dust has gotten into his eyes." I simply murmur.

Niall smiles knowingly, "I could do it. Tend to Carrot. I got this." He reassured in a whisper before returning his attention towards my brother. He held him by the shoulders to make him sit up straight. My eyes widen as Niall's face inches his. Okay? Would he- omg. Louis would flip out if he would do what I think he would.

A little bit giddy, I watch Niall blew unto my brother's closed eyes softly. I better take a picture for proof later. I do not know what to feel about this. I mean, I am glad that they're getting along like this, but I didn't expect that they're this close already! Did Louis even notice it wasn't me anymore he is holding close?

"Oh, Carrot. If one thing, I hope my brother doesn't suddenly open his eyes right now, or else it'll be another sight to watch." I whispered. Niall's hands were against Louis' shoulders while Louis' hands are resting on Niall's waist. Their bodies closed until there's no gap in-between, and their faces inches away as Niall kept blowing unto his face to get rid of the dust.

"Baby, blow on a little bit more." Louis cooed, his nose crinkling a little as he showcased a smile with his thin lips. At least one of them is enjoying it, his smile assembles satisfaction. Wait, did he just call Niall baby? Does he still think it is me?!

"Oh, my god." I breathed out, seeing my brother's hand painfully sliding down Niall's curves. It all leads down to cupping and squeezing Niall's ass fully. What the hell am I watching? I expected Niall to break away, of course, but he didn't even move an inch. Is he enjoying this as well? I expected Louis to pretend that he still got dust in his eyes, but I didn't foresee the fact that he still hasn't figured out that I am not the one who in front of him! This is insane.

I cleared my throat before pouting. "Big brother, I think you're enjoying this way too much," I said with a smal1l huff as I've folded my arms over my chest.

"Hmmm? And why wouldn't I? My beloved sister is helping me out and- what the fuck is wrong with you?" Louis practically yelled as he pushed Niall off of him. Oh, so he finally decided to open his eyes.

Niall laughs, and I couldn't help but chuckle along. "I couldn't believe you've mistaken me with Niall's figure, big brother. Do I really feel buff?" I questioned.

"For a second, I thought Louis going to kiss me as his hands go throughout my bum. Am I allowed to say now that Louis is perverted? He just molested me." Niall stated while straightening his clothes. His tone has a hint of teasing.

"What the hell you guys?! This ain't funny at all. It's gross." Louis complained with a disapproving look. He runs a hand through his hair as I help Niall up.

"It's just a harmless prank, Lou. It's not like we kissed at all." Niall replied which leads to Louis rolling his eyes at him.

"I think it's funny." I couldn't help but beam. I've missed days like this with them, just playing around and laughing.

"At least one of the Tomlinsons gets me." Niall laughs before we high-fived.

I wrap my arms around Louis' neck with a grin. "If it'll make you feel better, I wouldn't mind if you two get together. I won't hold grudges. Promise. Because you'd look too adorable to hate on." I teased, kissing his cheek as I chuckle.

"Leticia, don't joke like that. It doesn't even make me feel better!" Louis protested. He held unto my wrists and caress on my skin. "You should be on my side though, darling." He added as he took a glance backward to look at me. He pouted and I know I have to pout in return.

"It's not like I've planned it along, though. It was all Niall. I was as surprised as you." I carried on with a smile.

"Hey! I thought we are in this together, Leticia." Niall objected before shaking his head with a victorious grin. He knows we have gotten Louis good.

"For the record, unlike Niall, I wouldn't mind if you did it to me. "I smile, pinching the bridge of his nose just to continue pushing his buttons.

Louis rolled his eyes playfully before taking my hand away from his nose to hold it. His hand that is larger than mine quickly overpowered me. "It's supposed to be that way, baby. No fair."

Before I could reply, though, Niall already cleared his throat. "I think you've said that we won't be here all day to collect wood, so I suggest we start to resume our stroll now." I saw Niall hints a smirk, but I decided to shrug it off. In my perspective, I'd rather have it this way, having prank wars, well if we would truly have them, rather than have a beautiful camping place with an awkward and full of hate atmosphere.

I stood back up to my feet properly. "Sorry for the detour, Nialler. Someone has really sensitive eyes, you see." I winked, throwing the last tease.

"Yes, yes. Whatever you say. Louis mumbled sarcastically which resulted in another laugh from me.

"I am definitely telling this to mum." I chirped as we continue our walk towards the slope, so we could collect more firewood and berries.

Side by side, I walk with Louis on my left, and I could tell that Louis is still a bit annoyed from earlier, while from my right side, Niall is still beaming in triumph. I am still not sure what development is happening regarding their relationship, but I really hope they do get along again like when we used to when we were kids. I squeezed Louis' hand slightly as I slightly cling towards his arm.


"what are you thinking, big brother? Still bothered by it?" I asked. He looks down at me with araised brow.

"No, I just couldn't help but think of what a naughty girl you are!" Louis exclaimed, messing my hair a little. "You dare to prank your brother now, aye?" He chuckled; I just smile at him in all innocence that I could muster.

"I do not have the power to stop Niall!" I protested before smiling in his direction. He just smiles back weakly.

There's no conversation after that, it's hard coming up with one when we are in a sticky situation. So while just taking in our surroundings, the two guys picked out sticks. Louis was the one to break the ice.

"It's time to head back to the camp. I think we have enough." He announced before looking at me. "It's time to let the little fellow go as well, baby."

"Oh... Bye, Carrot." I whispered as I placed him back down, for real this time. At least I made sure he is really full before I let him hop his way back home. "Okay, let's go ahead." I smile before helping them carry a few of the sticks.

As we return through the trail, Louis whispered something in my ear that he just really couldn't repeat. "You'll have to make it up to me later tonight. We'll go to a very special place. I'll pick you on your tent after mum was asleep, okay?"

I couldn't help but crack a smile, finally.


Hello guys! I hope you're all safe. Thank you for the support you're all giving me throughout this entire book. I'm really striving to be able to finish this narrative. Although this may be a bit of a filler chapter, this would be important for the upcoming events to come. Stay tuned, I love you all.

Clarification: This chapter is dedicated to Luanschke  . Thank you for always waiting for my updates! Love you!

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