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Gosh I've been waiting for this since forever.

We finished our meal before we went back to his office.

"Can I accompany you to work tomorrow?" he asked as I sat on the couch.

"I'd love to honey"


I am in my office as I finalize the design for my project which is a hotel. Well if you're wondering, I work in my dad's company so as my boyfriend. I've been accepting other offers though but dad gave me an office here, not bad if you ask me.

"Architect Choi, the meeting is in ten minutes" my assistant said as I nod and gather everything needed to present to the board what I have been working on. I hope Kai is ready.

I went inside as I sat beside him.

"You ready bear?" he asked and I laugh as I nod.

I don't know why he calls me bear though.

When it is our time to present I look at Soobin hyung giving me a thumbs up as I walk to the front.

(Alright I will not detail it as I have no idea how it works 😂)

"Hey wanna grab dinner?" Kai asked and I nod as my stomach is literally growling.

When we reached the restaurant we saw a couple hugging as the other customers are clapping.

"What's going on?" I wondered as we sat on the table and a waiter attends to us.

"Mind if I ask what's going on?" Kai asked and the waiter just laugh.

"That couple just got engaged. The boy proposed and then the girl said yes so yeah it's a happy day"

Something in that sentence make me look at my fingers.

Oh come on Beomgyu not this again.

"You OK?" I look up as I nod.

"Yeah uhm when will the food arrive? Gosh I'm hungry"

It's not that I am rushing for us to be engaged but I really wish for it to happen. I don't know why but every time I open up to Kai about Yeonjun and Soobin hyung, he seem to not have a plan to you know marry me. I feel sad actually because he looks unsure if he were to marry me.

I know I cannot possibly give him a child but am I that hard to be with that he is unsure with me?

"Hey hey are you alright? Baby?" I felt his warm palms on my cheek as he wipes the tears I had no idea were falling.

"What's the matter?"

I didnt respond as I just smiled at him.

"look the foods are here. Let's eat" I said as I avoid his question.

You know the feeling how you always expect a surprise but it never came? Yep that's me.

I once thought he's proposing when he suddenly baked me a cake, but he didn't. Then we went on a date in a fancy restaurant, I thought he placed the ring somewhere in the food or drink but he didn't. The he asked me to meet him at the amusement park for the ferris wheel. I expected but it never came.

"OK what really is the matter?" Kai asked again and I shook my head.

"Can you drive me home? I'm feeling a bit sick" I said as we finish our food and leave.

When we reach my room, Kai placed my bag on the couch as I again wipe the tears that fell. Gosh I'm feeling like I am unreasonable. But it just hurts. The idea that Kai was not sure about me hurts me a lot. I am so certain about him.

I was startled when the door shuts closed and I was pinned on it with Kai looking at me. I know this set up. He wants the truth.

"Spill Choi Beomgyu. Are you alright?"

And that's it, tears just starts falling. I expect him to wipe them but he didn't. He just stared at me.

I'm getting scared.

"Kai" I tried to push him but he won't budge.

"Tell me" he again said as he lift my chin to look at him.

I didn't answer as I just let my tears out.

'What if he's really unsure of me?'

'What if he changed his mind because I'm acting unreasonable?'

'What if he breaks up with me?'

'What if he found someone better?'

I don't know when did I grew so paranoid but I don't know.

Kai has been showering me with so much love and affection and I shouldn't think negative right?

Kai pulled me to himself as he embraced me.

"I'm sorry. Whatever I did to upset you, I'm so sorry. But please tell me what's been bothering you. Tell me so I can help you with it"

His voice is so soothing and his heartbeat is so calming.

"No, I'm sorry . . . . I'm just being . . . . being paranoid. . . . I . . . "

I was cut off with my suppose rambling when he just kiss me.

His eyes are closed making me do the same with tears still falling from them. I respond to his kisses as he pulled me closer.

His kiss is so calm and slow that makes me cry even more as I can feel what he was trying to say to me.

We part as he place his forehead on mine looking me in the eyes.

"Whatever happens I will always be yours Beomgyu. Whatever troubles you troubles me too. If you're ready to tell me, please tell me. But if not today, I understand just please know that you are not alone when you feel like it. I'm always here. I'm not going anywhere" he smiled as I do the same.

"I love you" I whispered as he kiss me again.

"I love you more than you know Beom"

I pull him down as I attack his neck with my lips. Just below his jawline, I start to suck on the skin as I feel his tightening grip on my waist. I bit into the skin marking him mine.

Now that my confidence is back I would like to make those *ehem* female dogs see that he belongs to someone.

When I pull away I smiled at him.

"Gosh, you're a walking temptation"

I squeaked when he lean down and tilt my head to the side as he do to me what I just did to him. But this time its intense.

We are now looking at the mirror as we just laugh.

"Wow those marks really look good on you" I said and he smiled before leaving the bathroom and lay on my bed.


I don't know what I wrote 😂

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