Chapter 22: Time Skip

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*Five Months Later*

Delilah's P.O.V.

"Delilah, can we go get some Fro-Yo?" Rachel asked as she held my hand and we walked with my mates.

"Sure, sweetie. We can." I said as we all walked through Seabrook, where cheerleaders, zombies, and werewolves were together and as one.

It had been exactly five months since I met my mates and we found the moonstone. Willa, Wyatt, and Wynter lived up to their promise and took their time to slowly be my mates again. Now, our relationship has been restored and is better than ever.

Addison became cheer captain since Bucky became president. My two female mates joined the cheer squad with us and Wyatt joined the football team with Zed.

Eliza and Zara are finally dating. Zara had gathered the courage to ask her out and they had a strong bond. Bree and Bonzo are still adorable as ever.

The Aceys and Bucky have finally softened up and Lacey has finally been using her real name, 'Jenny'.

Life in the pack has been good to me so far. There was still so much for me to get used to being the Great Alpha. Especially after reuniting with Winona and Wes. They had planned to adopt me, but because Missy and Dale beat them to it, they were a bit disappointed. However, they were happy that a family I could trust took me in before everything else happened.

Also, they were appointed my godparents by my mother and the Wells family was okay with it. If anything happened to them, I'd automatically become Wes and Winona's child.

Anyway, we finally got to the Fro-Yo cart and saw Coach there with a smile on his face. "Hi, guys."

"Hi, Coach. We'd like some Fro-Yo to go." I said.

He nodded. "What would you like?"

"Peanut Butter and Bones, please." Rachel replied. "I'll take a Strawberry." Wynter added with a bright smile. "Chocolate chip." Willa said. "Vanilla." Wyatt followed.

They all turned to look at me. "Cookie dough, please."

He nodded before preparing our Fro-Yo and gave each of us our desired flavor. "Thank you." we said.

"No problem! Have a great day!" he said.

We all smiled before Willa grabbed my hand and I held Rachel's.

As you can all tell, I've grown such a strong attachment to the young were-pup. My mates have as well. She's like a little sister to me and I would do anything to protect her and I know they would do the same.

The four of us continued eating our Fro-Yo until we ended up at the beach. We ended up sitting at a bench under an umbrella as I lay my head on Willa's shoulder.

"This is nice. I'm so glad I get to share it with you." I said.

"I can't believe we have been missing out on so much. Zed was right. There's more to life than just living in the forest 24/7." Wynter agreed.

Willa just hummed. "I'm still getting used to this."

I laughed as we all talked while finishing our Fro-Yo. Luckily for us, we planned on going into the water, so us girls wore dresses and Wyatt just planned on going normally.

"Last one to the water has to babysit tomorrow!" I said.

We all ran into the water before I felt Wyatt pick me up and bring me down into the water with him. I laughed as I came back up and moved my hair out of my face. Willa laughed as she carried Rachel on her shoulders as Wynter swam and splashed in the water.

"I'm gonna get you!" I told Wyatt and we ran in the water, me chasing him. I ended up tackling him and he laughed, kissing my head.

Wynter swam over and kissed my lips lightly before we both began swimming.

"Watch me ride the wave!" Rachel said as she swam and ended up being drifted towards me and Willa by the wave.

I laughed as I continued playing and having fun with Rachel and my mates. I honestly didn't want this moment to end.


"We are the call, we are the call, we are the call to the wild!" I finished singing with my mates and the pack.

I howled, making the pack howl as well before I stepped down from the stairs and joined my mates.

"You look badass as always." Willa complimented before kissing my lips. I laughed lightly. "I could say the same for you, love."

"Okay, little ones, it's time to go to bed. Tomorrow, we can play outside the den." I told the pups, who were still awake and running.

They all whined, but went with their parents to their rooms to rest up for the night.

"Goodnight, Delilah. I love you, sissy." Rachel told me.

I smiled at her before kissing her forehead. "Goodnight, sweetheart" She followed her mom and I turned to look at my mates.

It was then I yawned and rubbed my eyes. It was very late. Almost 1:30 am and I was tired as hell.

"How about we go to the room? I'm tired." I asked.

"Come on, sleepyhead." Wyatt said as he picked me up bridal style and they all took me to my room. They let me change into a black nightgown with fur on it before I got under the covers.

I heard them growl possessively.

"You look so...." Wynter said.

"Sexy." Wyatt said.

I laughed a nit. "Yeah, I'm not ready for any of that, so, let's go to sleep because even if I sleep until the afternoon, I will still feel like I slept only a few hours."

Willa laughed before she kissed my head, followed by Wyatt and Wynter.

My mates all joined me, snuggling close to me. They each gave me a kiss on the lips and wrapped their arms around me. After a couple minutes, I fell asleep.

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