Chapter 8: Space Between

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WARNING: This chapter mentions suicide, self-harm, and abuse. If you don't feel comfortable reading, just skip until you see the bold words. No way am I trying to romanticize suicide or abuse, since that's just not right. If you are going through anything, get help and stay safe! You all are worth living and I love you!

Delilah's P.O.V.

After taking Zed back home, I decided to go to Addison's, since my father and Michelle were passed out drunk when I got home. I had to quietly clean up the mess and gather some stuff from my room, since I planned on sleeping over as well. I may not be staying there, but at least the house can be clean for a while. I had called Missy and asked her if I could stay with them for the night and she was more than happy to let me.

Speaking of which, I was walking down the street of Seabrook and came across her house. I walked up the steps and knocked on the door.

It opened and revealed Addison, who smiled as she saw me. She hugged me and I reacted back, since a friend was all I needed.

"Hey, girlie. Come in." she said, pulling away.

I stepped inside and she guided me to her bedroom, where I set my bag down and sat down on the bed. She sat down on her vanity chair and looked at me.

"So, what should we do other than study?" she asked.

"Maybe order some pizza or burgers and watch movies?" I asked.

"Sounds good!" she said.

'Should I tell her the truth about everything? She has a right to know. No! She doesn't have to! But, if I don't tell her, it will hurt both of us if she finds out without it being me.'

Addison went to get up, but I grabbed her hand. "Wait."

She stopped and looked at me. I was going to tell her. This would be the first step in starting a new chapter in my life.

"I need to tell you something, Addy. Something I've been keeping from you for years. I just hope you don't get mad or anything." I explained.

She looked at me with concern on her face. "I'll listen to anything you have to say."

She sat down next to me and I took a deep breath before I looked into her eyes. There was no turning back.

"For the past 10 years, my life hasn't been what you think it is. I kept this from you because I didn't want to risk putting you in any danger. I've been abused by my dad since I was 5. My mom passed away because of unknown reasons and my aunt had moved away to work. I was sent to live with my dad, who was okay at first, but he became an alcoholic. After some time, I became his punching bag. He told me he never loved me and I was worthless and I should've died when I was born. He would starve me every now and then. It got worse when his girlfriend, Michelle came in. They began to abuse me every day and night. It got to a point where I suffered multiple concussions and broken ribs. They would wait until I was healed and then they would beat me again. I went into depression and attempted suicide twice, but they failed. I cut myself every day and still have scars to this day. When I joined the cheer squad, I never felt free. I used it as my escape from the pain and all. I have to use makeup to cover areas where there's bruises. I even have a black eye that's covered. That's why I couldn't cheer with you and Bree at the nomination, because my body was in pain form being punched and kicked. I wanted to tell you so bad, but they told me if I ever told anyone, they would hurt them and kill them, no matter who they were. That's why I was so desperate to find my mates because I thought maybe they could be my chance at escaping. I'm sorry I kept this from you, Addison. I just need my best friend right now."

At this point, I had already wiped my makeup-covered black eye and was sobbing. My wrists were unwrapped and showing my scars and slightly fresh cuts. As for Addison, she had teary eyes and her breathing became rapid.

Mates (Zombies 2 Fanfiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें