Chapter 14: Cheer Practice

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(A/N: I'm going to modify this scene where instead of Addison getting Wyatt's attention, it's Delilah)

Delilah's P.O.V.

Once the day was over, I decided to go with the wolves to the gym, where cheer practice would be held. Addison was apparently running it and I couldn't be more proud of her.

I sat on the bleachers next to Wyatt with Wynter behind me as we looked at the assembled cheerleaders. Due to my minor injuries, I was unable to participate.

Bucky and Addison told me it was fine and I appreciated it. I guess since I was his cousin now and had gone through a lot, he softened up a bit.

I saw her run into the gym, blowing her whistle. The team got into position as she spoke up.

"I'm so fired up to be running cheer practice! Together, we can do anything." she announced.

Bree and a couple of the other cheerleaders gestured to us and my sister turned around, seeing us on the bleachers.

"Sorry, but this practice space is for cheerleaders only." she told the wolves.

Wynter let out a laugh and stood up for a challenge. "Ha! Just try and get us to leave."

I stood up as did Wyatt. "Babe, calm down." I told her.

"Wynter. Some respect?" he warned her.

"I don't want you to leave. I want you to stay. Show us what you can do. The cheer team's for everyone." Addison explained.

The wolves looked at each other at my mates looked at me. I smiled at them with a nod.

"Go get 'em." I said.

They smiled before getting up with the pack and joining the team. I laughed a bit, knowing they would nail this easily.

"5, 6, 7, 8!" Addison counted.

*Skip Practice*

I got up and clapped, going over to my mates and hugging them. "You were all great! I told you you were going to nail it!"

Wynter giggled before kissing my cheek as Wyatt kissed my lips. I went to Addison and high-fived her.

"I really hope you become captain, Addy. You're a natural at this." I told her.

She nodded before I went to join my mates. Wyatt wrapped his arm around my waist with a smile.

"That was amazing! You are all natural cheerleaders!" Addison told them.

"We wolves work well together." Wyatt said, gesturing to himself and the wolves.

"But, I'm not a wolf." she told him. He shook his head and reassured her. "No, I know. Just saying."

Suddenly, Wynter began coughing uncontrollably. Her eyes flashed as her necklace turned a sickly green color.

"Wynter?" myself and Wyatt asked in concern.

I kept an arm around her, keeping her from falling as she finally caught her breath. I rubbed her back and kissed her head.

Just then, Bucky came in clapping. "Well done, Addison! With werewolves on cheer, this election is so in the bag."

"Bucky, this isn't about politics. I always felt like cheer could unite." my sister told him. "You are going to make a great cheer captain!" he told Addison with  smile.

Her eyes lit up. "I'm gonna be cheer captain!"

We all clapped for her, knowing she would make a great leader.

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