09. Temporary Location

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     Luna didn't know what other siblings did when they saw each other in school. She didn't know whether or not they willingly talked to each other but in the case of her and Rosalie, they avoided each other as much as possible. More like Rosalie avoided Luna as much as possible. It was very clear that the sisters were polar opposites and anyone with two working eyes could see that. While Rosalie would probably be the popular girl in those cheesy teen romcoms from the 80's, Luna was what people would call a social reject but did she give a damn? Absolutely not.

     Rosalie and Luna haven't spoken to each other much since Rosalie's breakup and it's been a couple of days now. Ever since then, Rosalie had been home more often and when Luna and her friends would practice some songs in the garage, Rosalie would interrupt them by cutting the power in the garage right in the middle of their song and would say they were being too loud. Their mother never had a problem with the volume and would let them finish their practice and it was mostly during a time where Rosalie was out with Sweet Pea. But now that they weren't together anymore, Rosalie spent more time at home and she was the only one complaining. But when Luna brought it up to her mother as she was heading out to work an evening shift at the grocery store, she was told that she needed more time and if she needed her band to be quiet, then that was what they were gonna do. Of course that annoyed Luna even more and now she and her friends might need to find another place to practice with no interruptions.

     "Why the hell should we give up the garage, where we've been practicing ever since this band started, because your sister wants to mope in her room?" Peyton asked as she zipped up the case for her guitar.

     "My mom thinks that some peace and quiet might be what Rosalie needs to help her through the aftermath of her breakup," Luna sighed while unplugging the amplifier.

     "Didn't she break up with him?" Naomi questioned with her arms crossed.

     "Actually, even though she broke up with him, she could still be just as upset as the other way around," Maya pointed out.

     "As much as I hate to admit it, Maya's right. So now with Rosalie home more often eating everything in the kitchen and hogging the bathroom to cry in the shower and everything in between, we're most likely gonna need a new place to practice," Luna said.

     "What about the music room at school that no one ever uses?" Kai asked and Peyton scoffed.

     "Do you even know why no one goes in that room?" she questioned.

     "Because it's haunted?" Maya asked and everyone looked at her.

     "It's dirty and dusty in there. You can't even breathe in there," Peyton said.

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