17. Typical Riverdale

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     "So, how has your little decrypting party been going lately?" Luna asked Toni as the both of them walked to the tables outside and Toni sighed.

     "We weren't even close to figuring out what this guy was up to. Jughead invited his girlfriend, Betty and her friend from the Northside the second night we tried but that was a bust," she replied and Luna frowned.

     "What happened?" she asked.

     "It's clear she doesn't like the Serpents and she clearly thinks the Black Hood is a Southsider yet fails to understand that the drugs are primarily sold to Northsiders and the Red Circle is basically a Neo-Nazi group from the Northside. And yet, we're the villains," Toni sighed and Luna scoffed.

     "To be honest, I'm not surprised," she said as she shrugged her shoulders and Toni smiled.

     "I never told you this, but sometimes you remind me of Rosa Diaz from Brooklyn Nine-Nine," she said and Luna groaned as she rolled her eyes.

     "I've been told that more times than I can count and I don't see it," she replied and both of them laughed as they found a table on the Serpents' side and sat down.

     "Did you see the newest article in the Riverdale Register?" Toni asked as she put her bag down beside her.

     "Can Alice Cooper go one day without demonizing our home and our community?" Luna groaned as she dropped her head on the table, her forehead colliding with the surface making a loud bang. Luna read the front page article right before she and Rosalie left the house to go to school. Northside Teen Stabbed By Southside Serpent. When she lifted her head up, she saw Sweet Pea and Fangs walking over to their table. Sweet Pea was sporting a bruise around his left eye and he still had that resting bitch face she always saw. "What the hell happened to you?"

     "Jughead's buddy, Andrews, gave it to me. There was a fight and some Northside kid got stabbed," he said.

     "The idiot stabbed himself with his own knife and of course, they think we stabbed him," Fangs said as he sat down.

     "So, Andrews, who I'm assuming is the leader of the Northside Neo-Nazis, decided to wave a gun in your face and expected you to not have any beef with him?" Toni laughed at how her question sounded to her own ears.

     "We caught him tagging our turf with red circles. The fight happens, the Northsider stabs himself in the leg and then Andrews' girlfriend shoots a gun in the air," Sweet Pea said and Luna blinked.

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