19. Walmart Jason Dean

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     Her fingers drummed against the edge of her notebook as her other hand rubbed her forehead. She found it hard to focus on schoolwork or lack thereof after she watched some of her friends get arrested. And if she wasn't quick enough to find her sister and get her away from the school, she would've been behind a holding cell at the station with the others. She had no idea what was going on with the Northside, but whatever it was, they were clearly blaming the Southside, especially the Serpents. This wasn't anything new but it was still exhausting. She could only hope that the police would come to their senses and realize that the Serpents had nothing to do with whatever Northside issue that was going on.

     She tossed her notebook onto the mattress and got up to put on her shoes. She grabbed her phone, earbuds and keys and went down the stairs while plugging the earbuds into her phone. "Where are you off to?" her mother asked while wiping down the surface of the kitchen counter.

     "Just going out for a walk," Luna replied as she shrugged her shoulders.

     "Not too far, I hope," her mother said as she gave her a stern look.

     "How about I go as far as Pickens Park and then come back?" Luna asked, hoping to negotiate.

     Her mother hummed before nodding and returning to her previous activities. "Alright. Your phone is fully charged, right?" she asked and Luna sighed.

     "Yes, Mom," she answered as she put her hand on the doorknob.

     "Good, 'cause I don't wanna hear any excuses when you come home about why you didn't answer when I try calling you," her mother said.

     "Bye, Mom," Luna said as she walked out the door and turned on the music.

     She sighed as she put her hands in her pockets and started walking down the sidewalk, music playing through her earbuds while all she could think about was how things seemed to have only gotten worse since the Black Hood showed up. The Northside always looked down on the Southside but it seemed like that ever since that man was shot at Pop's, tensions between the Northside and the Southside became thicker. Andrews posted that video and it got shared everywhere, then he came to the Southside and threatened Sweet Pea with a gun, a Northside kid got stabbed and blamed the Serpents and now some of Luna's friends were sitting in a cell after Southside High got raided. It was clear that many people believed that the Black Hood was a Southsider and that the Southside was the root of all the problems in Riverdale. It was quite exhausting.

     As she got closer to Pickens Park, she noticed a few people wearing blue vests and carrying garbage bags. She turned the music off and pulled her earbuds out and couldn't help but chuckle when she recognized some of them. Betty from Retro Night, Andrews and the raven haired girl from the drive-in. The other three, she had no idea who they were but they all looked like Northsiders.

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