20. Every Cliché Songwriter

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     When Luna woke up, she immediately went downstairs to the kitchen to make herself some breakfast. When she got to the bottom of the stairs, she could see Rosalie sitting at the table eating a bowl of cereal and their mother was sitting on the couch reading the newspaper.

     "You look like Edward Scissorhands," Rosalie said and Luna rolled her eyes as she grabbed the cereal box from the cupboard and the carton of milk from the fridge.

     As she was pouring the cereal into the bowl, Rosalie went to the sink to wash hers and put it in the dish rack to dry. Once Luna finished putting the milk in and put the milk away, she grabbed a spoon and sat down at the table to eat her breakfast. While she was chewing, their mother walked into the kitchen while holding the newspaper which grabbed the attention of both sisters. "Girls, listen up. It's a letter from the Black Hood," she said.

     "What does it say?" Luna questioned wearily.

     "People of Riverdale, I have rid this town of the drug-dealing child-killer and others like him. Now, you must choose your fate. The next forty-eight hours will be a test. And I will be watching you very closely. Show me you are pure of heart, and my work ends. Continue to sin, and I will take up the sword again," her mother read aloud and a chill went down her spine.

     "So in other words, this psychopath is giving this whole town two days to go without sin?" Rosalie questioned.

     "Sounds that way," their mother replied. "I'm not sure it'll be possible though."

     "If you really think about it, every single human being commits some sort of sin every single day. Even normal human emotions like anger would sometimes be considered a sin in the New Testament and other little things as well. If I were to cut my hair short right now, the Black Hood could possibly consider that as a sin too. But I guess that depends on whether or not he's one of those religious people who cherry picks what is a sin and what isn't," Luna said while shrugging her shoulders.

     "I never would've pictured you as someone who knows what the sins are," Rosalie said and Luna laughed.

     "Please. I am a living, walking sin," she replied and their mother scowled.

     "This is not funny! This is why I want you two to stay together whenever you leave this house. And now, this man is giving us two days to be sinless in order for him to stop. And if even one person sins, he will keep picking off the people in this town one by one," she said.

     Luna swallowed the mouthful of cereal and sighed quietly. Once she was finished with her breakfast, she washed her bowl and put it away and went back to her room to shower and get dressed for school. Once her hair was completely dried and brushed, she put on the clothes she laid out on her bed. She decided on a dark red plaid skirt with a black long sleeved shirt and black thigh high socks. She put on her black ankle boots and pulled her hair into a messy ponytail with a few pieces resting around the sides of her face. Once she was dressed, she made sure she had everything in her bag and grabbed her phone, earbuds and keys and headed downstairs.

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