15. Screw You

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     "Since you like the canned coffee I drank last time, I brought an extra for you," Luna said as she tossed a can over to Toni as they walked up to the entrance of Southside High.

     "Oh my God, thank you so much, Lunes!" Toni said with a wide smile.

     "We can just drink it while we wait in line for the metal detectors," Luna said as she opened her can of coffee and took a large sip. "I didn't realize how much I needed this."

     "Late night?" Toni questioned before taking a sip of her own coffee.

     "Me and my friends were at Pop's. They had this Retro Night going on and it turns out that Pop's gets to stay open after all," Luna answered as the line moved forward.

     "I thought your mom didn't want you going over there after what happened," Toni said.

     Luna laughed. "She doesn't, which is why I didn't tell her I was going. Both her and Rosalie were really tired and turned in early so that gave me the perfect chance to sneak out and meet my friends at the diner," she said and Toni nodded.

     "I've been there for coffee a few times but too many stuck up Northsiders kept getting on my nerves," she sighed and Luna laughed.

     "Some Northsider tried it with me at Pop's last night. I told her if she had a problem, she could leave. And get this, it was Alice Cooper," she said and Toni's eyes widened.

     "Alice Cooper from the Riverdale Register? You do know she could drag your name through the mud if she wanted to, right?" she asked.

     Luna scoffed as she looked at the pink haired girl beside her. "She could but she would be slandering the name of a minor which she is not allowed to publish without my mother's permission, which she does not nor will she ever have and it would be unethical for her to lie in a newspaper when it is her responsibility as a journalist to make sure the information in the papers and on the website is accurate and not misleading," she said.

     "That is a good point. But still, she's not someone to mess around with," Toni replied and Luna just shrugged her shoulders.

     "She just needs to take that stick out of her ass," Luna scoffed as the security officer cleared the person in front of her, leaving her next to go through the metal detector.

     She took her bag off and anything made of metal and put them all on the table to be searched and walked through the metal detector. Once she was cleared, she put all her jewelry back on and grabbed her bag while Toni went through and was cleared as well.

     "I'm gonna be waiting here for a while. I'm supposed to be giving the famous Jughead Jones a tour of the school," the pink haired girl said as she grabbed her stuff.

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