Was I Dreaming

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Tine's POV

[Why are you not here if you are awake?] said Fong from the other side of the call as soon as I had picked it up. [Why? Is you ride late today?] he added trying to tease me.

I who had changed into my uniform even after deciding on skipping, sighed thinking about what my friend had said

"My ride is too punctual that's the problem." I replied as I once again looked outside the window finding the car still parked at it's spot. I don't know what to do anymore but I still can't face him.

[What?] The boy said confused on the other side

"Nothing, I might skip the first class or the whole day"

[I don't care just remember you loss assignment point if to skip first lecture]

"When was that decided?"

[Yesterday when you decided to sleep in and show up late]

"Whatever I don't care." saying that up the call stuffing the phone in my pocket but soon take it back out I don't care about points, my embarrassment won't let me live if I walk out right now.

[I won't be attending classes today so you don't have stop and pick me up.] I typed the text and send it to the boy waiting outside.

[Why? are you avoiding me?] The reply came almost instantly and was on spot which startled me.

[Why would I do that? I am just not feeling well.]  I am really glad about how easy it is to lie on text or else I would be a shuttering mess right now

[What about club than? did you saw P'Dim's post]

[what post?] I asked opening the social media app from the link that sarawat had sent and here it was

(To be honest I am not sure if original sarawat even knew how to send a link but still lets just assume he did)

It stated that club will be holding a test for new member to evaluate there progress. Like what is it with tests and assignments today when I am trying to skip when every other day ends up pretty randomly

(Sorry about this sweetie but I can't have you avoiding Wat like that)

[You know what nevermind, just wait a minute I'll be down there]
I replied after a long pause before switching the phone off putting it back in my pocket as I walk out of the room and down the stairs into the parking area where Sarawat had been waiting for past 45 minutes.

I get inside the car after greeting the boy as we drove off. I kept waiting for him to say something about the incident but he didn't he acted all normal and drove quietly like he usually does only difference being I was also quiet which made me wonder if all that really was just a drunk dream.

'Isn't that even worst though if I dream of kissing him' I thought as I got off the car in front of my department, at this point I am even questioning my sanity if nothing else.


"Going to the music club" Ohm asked as we left the faculty building after our classes.

"Unfortunately yes" I replied sighing as I walk away from them, I had spent the whole day recalling last night's event to figure out if it was real or not and no matter how hard I think it is too real to be a dream.

I walked up the stairs that led to the club which was unusually noisy today for some reason but I froze as soon as I entered the room. After composing myself for a few minutes I walk up to the boy grabbing him from behind to hold him off Sarawat while P'Dim was holding Sarawat away from Day.

'Wow, great' I am amazed at my luck just when I thought my situation can't be more miserable these two idiots decided to have a showdown.

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