Cherry boy

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Sarawat's POV

There it is again that joyful smile which I have seen many times before whenever I got a glimpse of him in the campus, plastered on this boy's face without a worry of the world

'has he already forgotten about last night's ordeal'
I thought staring at the boy walking out of the dorm building in my direction as he spots me and stops near the car before asking.
"Eh! what are you doing here?

Exactly 'what and why' I am asking  myself the same thing for the past half an hour I spent waiting for this boy out here but of course I am not gonna say that.

"I was just passing by and saw you leaving so I thought I'd ask if you need a ride?" I made excuses for my presence

"Ohh!" he exclaims probably still confused

"So.. You want a ride or not?" I said starting the engine pretending to leave

"Uh! sure" he said and rushed to the passenger side of my car and gets inside "Thank you, You are a life saver I really hate walking all the way to the campus" he added as he buckled his seat belt As I drive off.

He is quiet a free spirited person for someone who was trembling like a cornered cat last night, There is not even a glimpse of worry on his face right now as he keeps on talking about I don't know what

"Are you even listening?" he asks bringing me out of my thoughts, I really shouldn't be wondering when I am driving, well at least his chattering saved us from dying.

"Uh... No" I said before continuing "sorry I was focused on the road"

"Oh right, I don't want to die either."
He said realizing he was being a distraction not that I was distracted by his chattering but he is still the cause of distraction right.

"So what were you saying?" I asked and that was a mistake as the other went back to his nonstop chattering again

"Oh! I was saying I heard you singing scrubb song at the club and you were soo good." okay he is praising me I guess it's not so bad, I just nodded as he kept on

"I have always wanted to try and play there songs but you know I don't even know how to play basic cords." I laughed a little not too audible remembering how he played on the first day at club  but I guess he saw as his expressions dropped

"sorry about that." I apologized pressing my lips together

"Nevermind I know I am laughably bad at it." He sulks then look up at me 'I really don't like that look' I thought to myself

"So I was thinking can you teach me how to play guitar?" And here it goes the bad feeling I was having proved itself.

I should say No right? that's the most logical thing to do right? but no since when did my brain started doing logical things.

It unconsciously and involuntarily  makes me nod my head as soon as it saw those brown orbs staring pleading at me "Yeah, sure" my mouth speak involuntarily of course or maybe not

"Thank you so much" he speaks joyously now as we reached the campus and I pull off at his department and he thank me again for the ride before getting off leaving me to grasp at what just happened.

'I am not supposed to get too deeply involved in this'  I remind myself before driving off to my own department.

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