Are You Drunk?

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Sarawat's POV

'How many times has it been?' I questioned myself after having passed the dorm building for the 5th time that day, My mind being split between whether I should get off and check on the boy or should I just go home as it's already dark.

Tine never showed up to the music club after having met Day today so I asked his friends and apparently he had went back to his room early.
'I mean why would he? is he planing on sulking over it again'  I thought finally stopping the car outside the dorm.

I sighed resting my head as I lean back on the chair still trying to decide if I should go up or not. If this keeps up my brain would explode before I even get the chance to be with someone I love.

"I should just let him go" I murmured before starting the engine to drive off but my action was left unfinished as I was startled by the sudden knock on the car's window.

"What are you doing here" Asked Tine while looking inside the car.

'This is embarrassing, should I just drive off'  My mind spoke it's irrational nonsense once again but somehow still manged to make me open the door and step out.

"Just passing by" I spoke not looking up at the boy who was giving me a suspicious look but what else can I say right now.

"Passing by with a parked car?" Is he mocking me or actually being confused I can't really tell without properly looking at him which I can't being embarrassed as I am.

"Yeah..." I spoke hesitantly "I stopped to talk to you"

"Me? why?" Again what is this tone he is using to speak today.

"Are you Okay?" I finally asked "I heard from your friends that you met Day" I added even I had no idea I could lie so flawlessly until I met this guy. I properly glanced at the boy in front after receiving no reply for a whole minute to find him all dazed.

'Is he drunk?'

"Are you drunk?" I asked what went in my head.

"I went drinking with Fong and the others" I finally got the answer for that annoying tone but that's all I got as Tine fell over leaning his head on my shoulder, like how drunk one had to get to be in this state.

"Tine" I called but there was no response he is literally out cold.

"I swear you just keep falling either sick or drunk" I complained whispering to myself as there is no one else to listen yet I still drag him over to his room unlocked the door from the keys I found in his back pocket.

I lay him down on his bed after having closed the door properly and I am once again in the room I'd rather not be in since it is really dangerous and unhealthy when this boy just lay here totally off guard.

'Just how careless and carefree is he?'  I questioned myself once again looking at the boy down on bed as I stand at the side.

"It's hot!" he spoke as he sat up and started taking his shirt off reveling not too much but his stomach since there was vest underneath which flew up when he attempted to pull the shirt off.

I know it's not the right time for this and I should keep my mind out of the gutter in this situation but that is not in anyone's control right but amid all that I still managed to lean forward and help him in getting rid of the annoying clothing.

He slump back down after having pulled his pants off too which is clearly not the best condition for me to stay in this room anymore so I try doing to do the obvious thing and walk away to leave which didn't work too well as my arm was pulled back.

"Ai'Wat" he yelled

'Seriously now he is sober' I thought as I turned around to be greeted with once again teary eyes.

"So you realize that I not Day" I am being sarcastic because I am annoyed now. Why does he have to keep crying over someone who cheated but more then that I am annoyed at myself for being foolish loving him knowing he would never.

"I did last time too." I am surprised he remembers

"So you remember being pampered like a baby too" I teases him again but this time there was no response so I spoke again "and being a crybaby whining for...."

I was interrupted not with words but with his lip. I went numb realizing what had happened this boy just leant over and kissed me I was staring dumbfounded with my eyes wide open when he moved away.

"You were talking too much" he said before laying back down closing his eyes leaving me to stare at him as my mind was still having a hard time processing.

'Wait did he just slept' I thought when I noticed the drunk figure is snoring I sighed as I walked out of the room closing the door.

"Yeah it was just a drunk act" I convinced myself as I walk back to my car.

Okay I know I can't be the only one who wanted Tine to just kiss Sarawat.

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