Let's Talk

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Tine's POV

I sneak into my class from the back only to get caught before sitting myself on the closest empty seat and being scolded by the professor who has got no chills, I mean it's collage for gods sack we are not in high school the being a bit late is so damn intolerable.

Of course I didn't speak my mind and quietly let myself be scolded.

"Damn what was that for?" Ohm whined turning around rubbing his head as I hit him from behind after the lecture walking out of the class.

"For not waking me up" I complained about being late since these three didn't try to wake me only to receive a slap in my own head from fong making me glare at him.

"We did.." He said bringing his hand up "give me your phone I'll show you" he asked and I shuffled my pocket to get my phone our fully confident that they didn't call.

"Huh!" I exclaimed again as I was unable to find the object I was looking for "I think I left my phone at the dorm" I said rubbing the back of my head.

"Seriously" fong gave me a judging look

"what?" I said turning the boys face to the other side "I was in a hurry and on top of that...." I stopped mid sentence realizing what I was about to say

"On top what?" ask phuak


"Well then let up show you" they said pointing there screen at my face

"Oh so you did call" I said with a sheepish smile on my face "sorry"

"I won't accept it" said Ohm sulking as he added with a grin appearing on his face "treat me to food for hitting me" I just nodded to end this since it was my own fault even though I received that hit back too.

We are mostly free after the first lecture which we usually spend in canteen to have some morning drink but since I didn't had breakfast today I was really happy to have this free lecture.

'At least I won't have any drama till afternoon' I thought sighing in relief as we walk to the nearest cafe or so I thought.

"Not again" I murmured as we were faced by the figure of a man who didn't bother anyone for weeks as soon as we left the cafeteria after eating.

"Tine come with me" said Day in a calm tone which was a surprise.

"Why?" asked fong before I could say anything "which part of breaking up and not wanting to talk do you not understand?" he added making the other frown which he tried hard to conceal

"It's not your problem" said Day directing his gaze back at me with a puppy face which startled me to be honest that was a new thing even for me who had been with him for 3 months

"Why do you just randomly pop up at my uni and ask me to follow you" I replied "I can't just..."

"I didn't" he said interrupting me "I texted you to meet me and only came here after you decided not to show up." he finished shoving his phone's screen in my face

[Please meet me at the ground outside your faculty after your lecture, I just want to talk.]

Okay apparently he did text but 'please' what actually is going on? Am I dreaming or is this a parallel world?

I sighed I can't really ignore the fact that this proud brat in front of me was willing to be polite just to have me talk to him. I was actually dumbfounded.

"Okay lets talk" I mouthed and soon found myself being dragged away with wrist in the other's grip.

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