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I was disappointed in Wat in the last episode that I almost handed Tine back to Day here.

Tine's POV

I arrived at the music club after having parted with my friend after exams. Climbing up the stairs I turned the corner leading into the clubroom.

Looking around all the new members are busy in their activity and seniors are guiding them probably about music but I ignore all that chaos as my eyes search for the figure with brown hairs neatly parted side ways unlike the other man bearing the same features but with black disheveled nest as hair.

My eyes glued to the man as they spotted him gracefully plunking on the guitar strings as the said instrument made melodious sounds. I walked up to him still dazed at how wonderfully talented he is and stand in front of him not saying a word to disturb him which for some reason startle him as he jump a bit when his peripheral vision aware him of my presence.

"What are you, a ghost?" he yells at me before speaking again "who walks up to others like this and just stand still like a zombi?"

"That's mean..." I pouted before adding "I was trying not to disturb you."

"Your definition of 'Not disturbing'.." He emphasized those two letters "is way off." He finished speaking making me narrow my eyes still sulking as I don't have a comeback But he just ignore me rolling his eyes in annoyance.

"Whatever! just pick up a guitar so we can start." He spoke again and having nothing else to say I just follow what he asked and sit next to him on the bench. "Do you know how to play basics?" he asks again.

"No..." I proudly shake my head "but I am a good learner." I add rasing my eyebrows.

'I mean how hard can it be right? it's just about plunking some strings anyway.' I thought convincing myself.

"No, it's wrong again" here comes the frustrated voice again as I hit another wrong note "Can't you just remember one simple chord?" he added angrily as I gulped.

Of course anyone would be angry by now since we have been doing this for hours, other members already left and I can't even play my first basic note and on top I was the one who asked for him to teach me.
But I am tired and sleepy today since I barely slept last night maybe that's why I can't perform well.

"Let's just end it here" I whined

"No, not until you play this right." He said sternly. Yes the reason we are still here is because this guy is stupidly serious about teaching me as for me I only asked him to teach just to stay away from Day and also have him jealous if he happen to see me close to Sarawat.

"we can do it tomorrow I really am tired." I whined again giving him a pleading look.

"Give that to me." He said snatching the guitar off my hands "watch carefully I'll show you how and if you still can't play after the then we'll stop." I just nodded that's much better at least I am not using my energy.

He hit the note making a melody that pleases the listeners ear and again which was only making me more drowsy as he spoke, my eyes are almost shut at this moment and my brain is not making out anything the other is speaking and just like that everything went dark.

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