101 dalmations

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  • Dedicated to st-st-stud-study island *barf*

" From the first time Bettina laid eyes on the red Corvette, she knew it was a match made in heaven. "It's the perfect car," she said. "A shiny two-door convertible with leather seats, it's perfect! Dad, can I have it?"

"Bettina, I don't know how comfortable I feel with you having a Corvette," her dad said.

"If you buy me this car, I promise I'll keep my room clean and get an A in math class," she said. "Please, please, please, Dad?"

"I'll have to ask your mother what she thinks first. And if you don't hold up your end of the bargain, I'm taking the car back," Dad said.

"Thank you so much, Daddy," Bettina said. "I can't wait!"

Her mother reluctantly agreed to let her have the Corvette, and Bettina was overjoyed. She and the car were inseparable. Bettina would push it around the living room. She even took the Corvette into the bathtub with her. After a long day of playing with the Corvette at school and around the house, Bettina took the car to bed with her at night.

"I am so glad I got the car of my dreams," Bettina said as she drifted off to sleep."


fuq you study island, fuq you.

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