It's been awhile and I'm desperate for an excuse to stay up

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It's late at night, I should be asleep but I'm kinda stuck in the past, and what better place to be stuck in the past than here? Funny, this website doesn't know the half of the hell I've been through. I haven't revealed anything on here, and I really don't plan on doing that either. This isn't my fucking diary for gods sake.

How are you, reader? Or, should I specify, future me? As it appears I would be the only person to read this piece of shit. I guess you could say this is my "rebellious" phase, or as rebellious as I will ever be. In other words, I was told to go to bed two hours ago and I've been swearing more. At least my emo phase is over, right? I'm no longer a jr, high student, and I'm done with freshie year. I'm so close. Yet so freaking far.

A lot of nights I find myself thinking my problems are fake. I'm lonely. I'm scared of the future. I really should've practiced. These feelings are real though, right? Am I valid, or is everything a lie? If my feelings can't be real, then that means no one else's are real. So yeah, my problems are probably lame compared to theirs but they are real, right?

I don't know. That paragraph made no sense. I've gone too deep. I should just give up and go to bed, have sweet dreams of anime or some shit.

Or more school nightmares. Lol.

On a more physical note, I will be singing at a picnic soon. Oh boy. (Why did I sign up for this?) At least it's something to do I guess.

The only thing I've done all summer is music camp. At least it was actually good this year. Pro tip, talk to people. Anyways~

I'm done, see you in a year or so probably, ha.

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