My Opinion on the "New Kid" Cliché

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Ah, the New Kid Cliché. For those of you unaware it's something like this;

A new kid[(typically a wimpy/shy/gamer girl with little or no self esteem) Usually told from her/his POV{Point Of View}] goes to a school and is immediately targeted by the school bully(if it's a female protagonist then it'll usually be a preppy clique, if male then a "scary" intimidating, muscly bully) Everyone ends up hating her/him, and she/he goes home crying and being upset about how horrible their first day was. The next day another bullied kid(typically "weird" or "nerdy".) introduces themselves to the protagonist and they immediately become best friends.

This is NOT how it works at MY school. Not at all. Period.

The "New Kid" at MY school: The new kid enters, and immediately all eyes settle on him/her. Everyone in the room wants to add a member to their group. The new kid is blasted with kindness until by the next day they fall into the group. (Please note: These 'groups' aren't really clique-y. They're mostly just groups of 3/4 people that are friends. Also please note my school is smaller, so everyone kinda knows each-other. )

What's your school like? Leave a comment about how your school treats new kids; or how they treated you if you were the new kid!

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