Heights & Gamer Girl

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Heights & Gamer Girl

I hate heights.

So going up creaky steps with holes in between is NOT my idea of fun. And these lead to the 3rd floor.

God I hate heights.

Now, if the heat wasn't so bad, and the floors looked nice and not creaky and bumpy, I wouldn't mind. But I kept imagining I was going to fall through.

Part 2- Gamer Girl

I love gaming.

I own a Xbox(that's my sisters) a Wii, and a 3DS. (And I played my sisters Gameboy, but they sold it .-.)

I like Pokemon, and other non-fighting games. I suck at games like Halo. Though I would like to try Super Smash Bros.

And I find nothing wrong with being a girl that plays games. I don't care if no other girls my age play Pokemon or other games.

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