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"Zan," Hoseok calls softly, smiling to himself as he sits on the edge of her bed. "It's time to wake up, kid."

"Hmm?" Zanna stirs and peeks an eye open over her shoulder at him. Her arms are wrapped around Jimin's torso, his are around her shoulders as he sleeps. Her head is on his chest, and she can feel his steady breathing.

"Time to get up," Hoseok repeats in a whisper as her eye closes again. "Yoongi-hyung made breakfast, and I'd like to steal my Soulmate back."

"Mmkay," she mumbles, but makes no move to get up. Hoseok chuckles at her.

"Sleepy?" She nods. "I believe it. I hear you had quite the long night."

Zanna's eyes blink open. She swallows hard and bites her lip harshly as she recalls last night's flashback.

"Hey," Hoseok says, lightly rubbing her back. "It's alright, Zan."

"Are they mad?" She whimpers, closing her eyes as they well up.

Jimin stirs under her and yawns as Hoseok shakes his head.

"No, they're not mad. None of us are, okay? We're all a little worried, but nobody is angry with you."

"Okay," she mumbles. Jimin gives her a squeeze as he wakes fully.

"Mornin' Zanna, Hope. What's happening?"

"I just came to wake you both for breakfast." Hoseok smiles adoringly at Jimin.

"Oh good, 'm hungry. Want breakfast, little sister?"

Zanna shakes her head. "Too early, not hungry," she says. Jimin and Hoseok exchange a silent glance.

"How about you come to the table and at least have a cup of tea," urges Hoseok gently.

"I'm sure your boys want to see you, hm?" Jimin nudges her. She yawns and nods slowly, and Jimin helps her sit up.

"You're wearing a sunshine request!" Hoseok exclaims when he sees it. Zanna jumps and touches the necklace delicately.

"I'd forgotten it was there," she murmurs. Glancing down, she realizes in the early morning light that she isn't wearing the bandage around her wrist, either. She gapes at the vibrant new colours of her Soulnames.

Just like on Taehyung's wrist, Yoongi's name on hers is a slick silver, like that of a metallic gel pen. Jeongguk's name is dark red, like a poison apple. And, as she'd discovered the night she had first Bonded with Taehyung, his name is deep forest green. I wonder what colour my name is for them.

"Zanna? Did you hear me?" Jimin calls. Zanna looks up at him sheepishly, shaking her head.

"Sorry, no. Could you repeat what you said?"

"Would you like to keep your sunstone on? It's okay if you don't want to wear it."

"Oh, no," she replies quickly. "I... I want to wear it. I could use the sunshine."

Jimin and Hoseok beam at her.

"We'll give you as much sunshine as we can, little sister," Jimin promises and hugs her to his side.

"Whatever you need, we've got you." Hoseok agrees, taking her hand in his and squeezing it gently.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Good morning, angel," Yoongi murmurs, pressing a soft kiss to Zanna's temple as he places a cup of tea in front of her. "Did you sleep okay for the rest of the night?" She nods, giving him a tiny smile.

"Thank you for letting me go with Jimin, Yoongi-yah." Something in her tone gives him pause.

"What do you mean?" He frowns.

"When I asked for Jimin, you could've said no..." She fidgets with her hands. "I just wanted to thank you for letting me go."

"Zanna, we can't stop you from doing things you need to do," Yoongi says slowly. Her brows furrow.

"... Huh?"

"You don't need our permission to sleep in your own bed or next to someone else. Being Soulmates doesn't mean any of us are in charge of the others, or in positions of power over each other. We asked what you needed last night because we wanted to make sure you got it, whatever it was," he tries to explain.

"But... you're the males in our relationship..." Zanna whispers, feeling smaller and smaller.

"Yes, and you're the female... Gender isn't important, angel. It certainly doesn't dictate who's in charge."

"It... doesn't?"


"Good morning, my loves!"  Taehyung interrupts as he enters, grinning widely when he sees Zanna. "Didja sleep well, princess?"

"I-I did," she nods. "I hope, um. I hope you were alright without me?" She glances at Yoongi, still confused. He swallows hard and gives her what he hopes is an encouraging smile.

"We managed," Tae teases and runs a gentle hand through her hair to move it away from her face. His thumb brushes her cheek, making her blush. He chuckles softly and sits down next to her at the table. "Hyung! What's for breakfast?"

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

*A/N: I know this is so short, and I'm so sorry about that. August has been an absolutely terrible month, but I promise I've been working hard to get this story back on track. There won't be any updates the next week or so, as I'm going to be busy packing and moving to my new place while also working 8-hour shifts nearly every day. Please be patient with me and continue to vote and comment—your support means the world to me.

Stay lovely, Ami!*

Sunshine Someday // A BTS Soulmate AU [UPDATES SLOW]Where stories live. Discover now