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* A/N: Thank you to everyone who's commented theories! I purple you! *

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A month later, Zanna waits impatiently for the BTS boys to return from the tour. She knows they'll be exhausted from the long flight, but she can hardly wait to see them again.

They'd bought her a phone--a phone!--and made sure her new number was in each of their phones before they left Canada, and she'd been texting with most of them on and off the past month. Somehow, texting was much easier than speaking, so she found herself opening up more than she ever would have if it had been a month of face-to-face conversation.

Today is the day she completed her training. The company had given her a framed certificate at the end of the day, and she'd hung it on the wall in her tiny living room the moment she got home. Now, she sits on the edge of her seat in their kitchen--she does have a kitchenette, but Seokjin gave her free reign of theirs, claiming hers was "too small". The boys all agreed that she could hang out in their apartment as much as she wanted, as long as she stayed out of their rooms. She'd barely spent any time there, though, content with her smaller but still huge-to-her space. The only reason she's in their kitchen now is that the island has a perfect view of their front door, and she wants to see the moment they get home.

Speak of the devils... A key turns in the door and she stands excitedly, trying to keep from grinning. It opens, and seven pairs of tired eyes appear on the other side. They all brighten when they see her, and Jimin is the first to push his way inside. He dodges as Yoongi reaches out to stop him and sweeps her up in a tight hug. She squeaks in surprise but wraps her arms around him in return, laughing lightly.

"Zanna!" The others greet her with cheers of her name in various volumes. Seokjin and Yoongi do their best to hold the others back from tackling her the way Jimin nearly did. Some of her texting with the two hyungs had been about her shyness around the boys and her hesitance to touch them--she hadn't said much about why she's so cautious, but she had said she wanted to be more comfortable with them, especially if they were going to be working together. Both hyungs had promised to help in any way they could, even if it meant keeping their dongsaengs from getting too close.

Jimin sets her back on her feet suddenly, his hands lingering on her waist and a confused look in his eyes. She avoids his gaze and steps just out of his reach. He lets her go reluctantly.

"Hey, guys," Zanna greets once Jimin has released her, suddenly shy with all of their gazes on her. "How was your flight?"

"Long and exhausting, as always," Seokjin chuckles, stepping forward to offer a hug. She takes a full step towards him before changing her mind and backing up again, ducking her head and glancing up at him apologetically. He gives her a warm smile, proud that she'd at least tried. Baby steps, he thinks. Progress is progress. It's then that he gets a good look at her, and the smile fades slowly. Her cheeks have hollowed somewhat since last he saw her--she'd told him over text multiple times that yes, they're feeding me, don't worry oppa, but as he looks her over now, he becomes less and less convinced.

"We're really glad to be home," Namjoon agrees, kicking off his shoes and wandering further inside.

"I'm going to put our stuff in our room," Hoseok tells Jimin as he passes, and the others begin to follow his lead. "We'll catch up in a bit, Zan!" Zanna nods at him in reply, moving as casually as she can to the far side of the island as they pass.

Taehyung stays near the door and watches her, taking in her body language. When she walks around the island, he swallows a gasp, his eyes flying to Jimin, who's been watching her, too. He feels Yoongi stiffen next to him and knows he sees it, too--she'd been somewhat shielded by Jimin and the baggy sweater she's wearing, but the sweater is a bit sheer, and when she moved just now...

Sunshine Someday // A BTS Soulmate AU [UPDATES SLOW]Where stories live. Discover now