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* A/N: A panic attack is mentioned in this chapter. This is the last time I will give trigger warnings; the tags are pretty clear, and I believe it's been made clear in-story as well that Zanna isn't healthy. If you'd like a more in-depth description of the mental illnesses and other triggers that may come up in this book, feel free to inbox me here on Wattpad (or find me on Twitter @/taegi_moonchild) and I'll answer any questions as spoiler-free as I can. *

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Seokjin, as the eldest, takes doctors' instructions very seriously. He allowed Zanna to cook for them last night against his better judgement, but when she looks no better today than she did yesterday, he takes it upon himself to make sure she rests. So, she spends most of the day tucked into one corner of the loveseat in the living room, a blanket wrapped around her legs and a throw pillow in her lap, having been given strict orders not to move unless she needed something the others couldn't help her with. She softly protests at first, feeling guilty that the boys should have to take care of her, but Seokjin tells her firmly that they're more than happy to help. When his dongsaengs agree, she gives in.

Only minutes after she's gotten comfortable, Jeongguk shyly approaches with a steaming mug of tea. Zanna glances past him to see Seokjin in the doorway of the living room, his arms folded and an approving smile on his face. Ah, so JK's been roped in as Jin's gopher, she laughs to herself.

"Thank you, Jeongguk," she murmurs with a smile. He beams, showing off his bunny-like smile.

"This is a medicinal tea... have you had ssanghwa-cha before?" He almost blushes as she carefully takes the mug from him.

"I drank it a lot in Seoul," she replies, trying not to coo aloud at his shyness. He nods with another bright smile and practically bounces back to the kitchen. Seokjin laughs silently as he passes and gives Zanna a wink before joining Jeongguk again.

The members come and go throughout the day pre-soundcheck, pausing now and then to check if she needs anything. Seokjin hovers nearby just in case, but he stays out of sight for the most part. Despite her concerns about being a burden, Zanna can't help but feel comforted by Seokjin's presence. Truth be told, all seven of the members have put her at ease almost effortlessly, and she is starting to dread watching them leave in two short days.

Still, a lot can happen in two days, she muses, then shakes her head a little at herself. There's no point getting her hopes up; in two days, this will all be a fond memory, and she can live with that.

Taehyung is the only one who remains in the living room for the rest of the morning and all afternoon. It's not that he feels like he has to--he does still feel a bit responsible for her, he must admit, but that's not the main reason he stays. No, he stays with her because, even though she's quieter than Yoongi often is and still practically a stranger, he's beginning to feel like he and Zanna could be good friends.

He skims through Netflix until he finds Boys Over Flowers, and puts it on when Zanna horrifies him with the news that she's never seen it. They watch a full episode together before he remembers Zanna's native language isn't Korean and offers to put on subtitles. She declines, having spent enough time around the language that she's able to catch most of the conversation.

"And," she tells him, "it's just enough of a challenge to keep things interesting."

Late that afternoon, when the boys start getting ready to head to soundcheck, Zanna goes back to the room she's staying in and looks through the bags of clothing Yoongi had bought her. There's more clothing here than she thinks she's ever bought herself, and almost all of it is her size. As she changes out of Jimin's clothes, she makes a mental note to thank him again.

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