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The next day, Yoongi is called to the studio to work with the producers on a few last-minute things. Zanna is awake when he returns from taking the call, so he sits next to her and gently brushes her hair out of her face.

"I'm gonna take a shower," he murmurs. "Will you be okay by yourself for a few minutes?"

She blinks tiredly but gives no answer, so he stands again with a sigh and heads to the bathroom. When he returns, his heart leaps into his throat as he watches her sit up and place her feet on the floor, and hope bubbles up in his chest. He hurries to Zanna's side as she stands, reaching out to steady her when she sways.

"Easy, angel." Yoongi wraps an arm around her waist, searching her face. Her eyes are as blank as they were last night, but there must be something behind them, he thinks, or she wouldn't be trying to walk. He lets her lead, doing his best to keep her up without impeding her movements. When her steps take her to the bathroom, he hesitates at the door. She keeps going, though, so he lets go and pulls the door half-closed behind her when she doesn't immediately topple over without his support.

When Zanna returns to the door a minute later, Yoongi gently helps her walk back to the bed, trying not to let her silence quash the new hope her movement brought him. She lays down again and he pulls the covers up to her shoulders, then sits beside her and leans down to press a sweet kiss to her forehead.

"I have to go to work, but I'll be back tonight," he promises. "I'll send Taehyung in to stay with you, alright? Get some rest, and please eat something while I'm away." He doesn't expect her to react in any way, but it still hurts. He sighs heavily and gives her shoulder a gentle squeeze before heading to her part of the apartment, where Taehyung and Jeongguk slept to avoid crowding Zanna.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Princess?" Taehyung calls gently, closing his bedroom door behind him. Zanna lies motionless under his covers, her steady breathing the only sign of life. Yoongi had opened the blinds before he left, and midmorning sunlight is streaked across the bed.

"Princess," he murmurs Zanna's nickname again as he sits beside her on the bed. He reaches out to stroke his fingers across her cheek in that way she likes, but she jolts away the moment he touches her, a frightened cry escaping her. He jumps, that simple sound crushing his heart to dust in his chest. She's... scared of me? He swallows the lump that's risen to his throat.

"Zanna, it's me. Taehyung. It's your TaeTae." He reaches out again, slowly this time, but terror flashes in her eyes. She whimpers, and the fear that floods her veins pushes outward until Taehyung is sure he'll drown in it. He recoils in horror. The walls seem to close in on him, and it's all he can do to get out of there without running. He pushes past Jimin in the hall and rushes to the bathroom, emptying the contents of his stomach into the toilet.

"Taehyung?!" Jimin hurries after him and begins rubbing his back as he heaves.

"Is everything okay?" Jeongguk stumbles into the bathroom, covering his mouth and nose with one hand. "Tae, are you sick? I can feel it--" With a start, Taehyung shoves a wall between himself and Jeongguk through their Bond.

"Sorry!" Taehyung gasps, partly apologizing for the harsh cutoff and partially for having gotten sick in the first place. "Sorry, sorry, I--"

"Breathe, Tae. Breathe first, talk later," Jimin instructs, beckoning Jeongguk closer. "Stay with him, yeah? Get him some orange juice or water with lemon and honey when he's done. I'm going to check on Zanna." Jeongguk shakes himself, nods, and takes Jimin's place, kneeling next to his Soulmate as Jimin makes a beeline for Zanna.

"Zanna?" He crouches next to the bed, searching her eyes. Her face is streaked with tears and she's shaking, but there's no emotion there now.

"Oh, sweetie..." Jimin stands, pulling the covers a bit higher around her shoulders. "You're gonna be okay," he promises, though he's not sure if he's trying to reassure her or himself. "Come back to us soon, okay? Your Soulmates need you. No pressure, though. I know you're doing your best."

Sunshine Someday // A BTS Soulmate AU [UPDATES SLOW]Where stories live. Discover now