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Little by little over the next few days, Zanna seems to come back to herself. Her smiles are still rare and small and almost nothing makes her laugh, but when her Soulmates are near, her shoulders relax and the clouds in her eyes seem to clear.

Her nightmares, however, get worse. She wakes screaming nearly every night and has started sleeping alone in her apartment again, rather than in the larger dorm with the boys. She moved back to her room in hopes that fewer of them would be awoken by her screams—the first night it happened, her Soulmates' room filled with four extra concerned faces. The crowded space only served to heighten her anxiety, so Yoongi very calmly asked that the others stay away unless specifically asked for. Still, every one of the members wakes when she screams, though only Yoongi, Taehyung, and Jeongguk come running now.

The days feel long and grey to Zanna; the nights are worse. But the members leave light and peace in their wake and there is warmth and love in their eyes, though she's still hesitant to let anyone touch her. The only one she seems completely comfortable with is Jimin, much to the chagrin of her Soulmates. He won't admit it, but Yoongi finds it the most difficult to relinquish her to his dongsaeng. Because he'd spent most of the first week of their Bond with Zanna in his arms, it's hard to be without her.

"It's what's best for Zanna right now," he often reminds Taehyung and Jeongguk. Really, he's reminding himself more than anything.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

One day late in the week, Zanna's three Soulmates lounge in the living room together. There's a tennis match on the tv, but none of them are really paying attention. The other four members are out, working on various aspects of their newest project. Zanna was in the bath, trying to relax after a long day, leaving Yoongi, Taehyung, and Jeongguk to themselves.

"It feels like we're moving backwards," Jeongguk says after a long silence. "She's... I don't know, worse? But like, only at night?"

"And she won't talk to us about it," Taehyung agrees.

"She's trying." Yoongi runs a hand through his hair and scratches the back of his head. He has a fresh undercut, and he's always found the texture of newly buzzed hair comforting. "She's already been through so much, and then... what happened..."

Taehyung nods. "New trauma on top of old. Like pouring gas on a fire."


"There has to be something we can do." Jeongguk stands and snatches the tv remote from the coffee table and clicks absently through a few channels. "Something. Anything." He turns the tv off and tosses the remote back onto the table abruptly.

"We've been over this," Yoongi sighs. "The best we can do for her right now is what she asks of us. We don't know what will help; we haven't known her long enough to know her comforts, whether she prefers distraction or talking about it. All we know right now is what she tells us."

"Especially since she won't actually tell us anything," Jeongguk huffs. Taehyung grabs his hand and pulls him back down onto the couch.

"We have to be patient, Ggukie. She'll tell us what she needs when she's ready."

"And it's not like we're clueless," Yoongi adds. "We're a Bonded quartet. We get hints that way."

"This isn't an escape room!" Jeongguk bursts upward again and begins pacing. "This is our--"

"What are we talking about?"

Three heads whirl to face the speaker. Zanna stands in the doorway, dressed in warm pyjamas with her hair in a towel. Her skin is still damp, and the soft light of the setting sun through the window makes it glisten.

"Ah... I forget," Jeongguk says dumbly.

Zanna blushes as she realizes her Soulmates are staring. "What?"

"You look beautiful." Taehyung rises and crosses the room to her, offering his hand. "Sit with us?"

"A-am I in trouble?" Zanna tries to laugh as she allows Taehyung to lead her to the couch. A bad taste rises in her throat, though she just brushed her teeth.

"No. of course not. I just want to be close to you," Taehyung quickly amends.

"Oh." Her cheeks redden again, and Taehyung grins at her.

"Are you hungry? I think there's still veggie gimbap in the fridge," Yoongi offers.

"Oh, no, I'm fine." Zanna shakes her head and immediately feels guilty when Yoongi's face falls. "But I, um. I wouldn't object to some tea?"

Yoongi gives her a gentle smile and nods. "I'll start the water."

"I want gimbap now," Jeongguk announces, then leans down to give Zanna a soft kiss on the cheek. She accepts it, doesn't even wince, and Jeongguk's happy smile practically glows. He follows Yoongi to the kitchen.

"Bring me some!" Taehyung calls after them, a goofy grin on his face. Jeongguk sticks his tongue out over his shoulder at him, making Zanna giggle. The sound makes both Jeongguk's and Taehyung's hearts skip a beat.

By the time Yoongi and Jeongguk come back, Zanna and Taehyung are comfortably snuggled into the corner of the couch. Yoongi hands them both cups of tea, made to their preferences. Jeongguk puts a plate of gimbap on the coffee table in front of them, taking a piece for himself as he flops onto the couch next to them. Yoongi brings two more cups into the room, passing one to Jeongguk and keeping the last, and takes up his usual spot in the armchair.

"Should we watch a movie or something?" Taehyung suggests, biting into a piece of gimbap and offering the other half to Zanna. She laughs softly as pieces of vegetables drop into her lap and shakes her head at Taehyung's offer, opting instead to eat the escaped veggies.

"How about a Ghibli film?" Jeongguk picks up the tv remote and clicks it on.

"Howl's Moving Castle?" Zanna asks hopefully. Jeongguk grins.

"Why? Because I look like Howl?" He teases, running a hand through his hair. It reaches his chin and hasn't been dyed in months, so he really does look like Howl.

"That's not why!" Zanna protests, but she's blushing furiously.

"Sure it isn't," Taehyung pokes her cheek playfully, earning a halfhearted swat.

"Oh, just play the movie," Yoongi groans pointedly, though a smile plays at the corners of his lips. Jeongguk obliges, and the four spend the rest of the night in comfortable movie-watching silence.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

*A/N: Didja miss me? :D

I'm leaving the story "On Hold" for now; I'm not sure how long this little burst of creative energy will last, but I wanted to reward your patience with a short update and a bit of fluff. Enjoy!

Oh, and don't forget to stream Butter!*

Sunshine Someday // A BTS Soulmate AU [UPDATES SLOW]Where stories live. Discover now