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As it turns out, Seokjin is right about the next few days being interesting.

For the time being, Zanna's panic attack is forgotten, and she and the seven members spend the rest of the afternoon chatting--that is, the boys chat with each other, and Zanna chimes in when asked to, but is otherwise content to listen.

When dinnertime rolls around, Seokjin orders all hands into the centre of the circle: they would play rock-paper-scissors to determine which two or three members would be cooking.

"Do you wanna play, Zanna?" Jeongguk gives her his signature bunny-toothed grin.

"Actually, would it be alright if I cooked for you all tonight? It's the least I can do to repay you for taking me in," she offers softly.

Seven mouths gape at her.

"Are you volunteering to cook for seven men?" Hoseok's eyes bulge.

"Oh no, I'm Snow White, aren't I?" She huffs, deciding she's comfortable enough to make the joke.

The room explodes in laughter.

"Looks like you've been replaced, TaeTae!" Jimin howls, throwing himself across the laps of his two maknaes. This only makes them laugh harder, and a few of the boys sing-yell the hook of 'Go Go'.

It takes a solid eight minutes for everyone to calm down after that. As they wipe away tears of mirth and catch their breaths, it's agreed that Zanna will cook (while Taehyung laments having left his Snow White costume at home). She excuses herself to the kitchen and begins looking through their fridge and cupboards for ingredients. Seokjin joins her after a few minutes to help her find everything.

"Are you sure you're up to this, Zanna-yah? You're still trembling."

"I'm alright," she answers softly. "I'm not planning on anything too difficult or time-consuming."

"What are you planning on making?" He asks curiously.

"Mashed potatoes and fried hamburger patties for you guys, and something lightweight for myself," she smiles and turns on the tap to start washing potatoes. "I hope my cooking skills can measure up to your expectations, oppa."

"Well, it sounds delicious, so I'm sure you'll be fine," he chuckles. "Besides, with these kids cooking some of the time, my expectations are pretty low. You may have just saved us from another night of Kim Taehyung's salty American pancakes."

She makes a grossed-out face, mirroring his own and making him laugh.

"Do you want any help?" He offers. "At the very least I can save you some time since you're supposed to be resting."

"Ah, sure. Would you mind cooking the ground beef? If you do that, I can chop and add the veggies without worrying about accidentally burning something," she laughs lightly.

"I take it this recipe hasn't always gone smoothly?" He grins.

"Does a scratch recipe ever go smoothly the first time?"

"Good point!"

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

A half-hour later, Seokjin rings the dinner bell (read: shouts the word "dinner" into the currently chaotic living room) as he finishes setting the table for eight. Zanna braces herself for the thundering of feet as she brings a steaming pot of mashed potatoes to the table, but the boys come in less of a flood and more a trickle this time.

"Where is Jeon Jeongguk?" Seokjin huffs once almost everyone else is seated.

"Finishing up a level of Super Mario," Yoongi rolls his eyes playfully. "Smells great, Zanna-yah."

Sunshine Someday // A BTS Soulmate AU [UPDATES SLOW]Where stories live. Discover now