Chapter 14: Blood

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"Hey. Neko, Wake up." Koneko calls out sweetly.

You groan and open your eyes to see Koneko getting changed on the other side of the room. You blush and look away. "Good morning, Kitty." You yawn and look at the clock after taking a sip of an animal blood pouch. "There's still thirty minutes left until the alarm goes off. How come you're up so early?" 

She finishes changing and lands next to you on the bed. She wraps both her arms around you and smiles. "Because hugs!" You hold her in a deep embrace. "Mmmm. My Neko." 

You both start purring with your ears and tail out. "My Kitty." You kiss her on the neck. "I love you." You pet her head.

"Meow!" She holds you tighter.

You loosen your grip. "Hey, Kitty? There's something we need to talk about. And it's kind of important."

She gets off you and looks at you, puzzled. "What is it, Neko?"

You scratch your head. "So last night when I was unconscious I had a weird experience..."

Timeskip After You Tell Her About The Dream.

"Normally I'd laugh at this but I trust you. So you went on a journey with the original Fourth Progenitor and he wants you to make me your blood servant?" Koneko looks at you.

"That's right. He says that because I am immortal I will eventually outlive you, and this way I can make you immortal too." You hold her hand.

She eyes widen. "What? Really? That's great! Now we don't have to worry about your immortality anymore! So how do we do it?"

You look down. "But..." You sigh. "You know those blood pouches I have? If I make you my blood servant I won't be able to use those anymore. That means I'll only be able to drink your blood and I'll need it every day. I don't want to do that to you."

She kisses you. Remember when I said you can have my blood whenever you want? I meant it." She smiles.

"Are you sure?" You ask.

"Of course!" She exclaims.

"Ok, Kitty." You laugh. "I need a glass, let's go downstairs first." You get changed and you both go downstairs. "Good morning everyone!" You shout. They all say it back.

"How are you feeling? You looked pretty exhausted yesterday." Kiba asks

You sigh. "There's a lot to talk about, but can we do it later? I need to do something first." 

Akeno giggles. "Take your time. But if you don't mind me asking, what are you going to do?"

You grab a glass and a knife. "I'm gonna make Koneko my blood servant. I'll explain later."

Koneko grabs your arm. "Hey, if this involves some weird ritual with you stabbing yourself I won't let you!" 

You smile at her. "I'll be fine. Promise."

"Just be careful." She looks down.

You roll your sleeve back and cut your arm down starting from the elbow without flinching, allowing the blood to pour into the glass.

"WHOA! I DID NOT EXPECT THAT!" Everyone shouts.

You quickly hold the wound shut with your other hand so that it heals without the blood going back in. Koneko holds your arm. "Neko! Are you ok?"

You laugh. "Look, I'm fine. Not a scratch on me. Well... apart from everywhere else." 

"Wait. So now what?" Asia asks.

You lift the glass to Koneko. "Now, you drink this. Just a few drops will do."

The blood glows a bright vermillion colour/color. She lifts the glass to her mouth and takes a sip. Yours and Koneko's eyes glow a dark crimson before her eyes revert to their original colour/color. "So... Am I immortal now?"

You hand her a pin. "Only one way to find out!"

--------------A\N I'm not dead I just needed some time to relax-------------

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