Chapter 4: A new piece

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"We've been her for half an hour now. Lets go downstairs." Rias nods and follows you downstairs. 

"AAH YEAH I WIN AGAIN!" You hear Issei scream.

"Hey! No fair." Gasper pouts. You walk into the room.

"What's going on here guys?" You say looking confused.

"Issei's cheating." Gasper frowns. You look to see they are playing chess.

Issei starts looking angry. "Am not!"

"Hey Gasper, want me to beat him for you?"

Issei laughs. "As if." You sit across from him.

"Bring it on." You declare with full concentration.

"Whoever makes the first move wins!" Issei says while looking cocky.

"Ill be the judge of that. So, Just how good are you at this game?"

He scoffs. "Good enough to beat you atlea-"

"Check. Mate." You smirk.

"H-h-how d-did you?" He asks while shaking. The others watch in awe. The only people he lost to were Rias and Kiba.

"Simple really, you were trying to move your knight around my rook to get to my king. But what you didn't realise was with every move i was creating my own fortress with only one escape available to only me by looking at your placements, while you were so desperately trying to get inside you didn't realise you left yourself open." You grin. 

"A-Amazing." Kiba exclaimed.

While you were telling Issei how bad he is at chess out of the corner of your eye you notice Koneko's Neko ears have pricked up. Everyone goes wide-eyed and just stares at her as she goes beet red and tries to cover them. Akeno turns to you. "Oh yeah that reminds me earlier today I asked you if you were a nekomata and you said its complicated?"

"Well I guess there's no use hiding it now. Yeah I'm a Neko." You let your cat ears out. Everyone except Rias stares in shock. "But I'm not only a Nekomata, I, Y\N  L\N am The Fouth Primogenitor."

Koneko gives a light blush. "You mean the strongest vampire Fourth Primogenitor?"

"That's Me!" You reply.

Issei looked at her and snickered. "Someone got a little crush?" He teased.

"Shut it, Perv!" She shouted.

Akeno giggled. My-My look at the time, it's getting late we best be leaving now. It was nice meeting you Y\N!"

"Me too" You say.

Rias looked at you. "Hey, Y\N?"

"What's up Rias?" You ask.

"Would you like to become my second Rook?"

-----------A\N Sorry guys that's it for today I was editing previous chapters and I'm tired and need to sleep. I'll do another one tomorrow. And thank you all for getting me to 100 reads. Author-san out-------------

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