Chapter 10: School

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"Sure, I'd love to. But how are you going to do that?" You ask.

Koneko attaches her hair clip. "Well, we just so happen to be friends with the council president."

"Well ok then, but what about uniform?" You say.

"That's not a problem, we have tonnes of spares. Come on let's go as Rias." You both walk towards Rias's office. Koneko knocks. Rias opens the door. 

"Oh, hey Koneko. What's up?" She asks.

"Do you think Y\N can go to school with us?" Koneko says quietly.

"I'll ask Sona about it but it shouldn't be a problem. Here, take this." She hands you a uniform. 

You take it and walk over to your room. After getting changed you head downstairs where everyone his having breakfast. "I'm gonna go to school with you guys. How do I look?" You ask.

 How do I look?" You ask

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"You look amazing, Neko." Koneko walks over and hugs you.

"You too, Kitty." You wrap your arms around her.

Issei grins. "You two using nicknames now? Guess you could call that 'Cat' Calling. Haha! See what I did there?"

"Shuddup." You smirk.

"So you're joining our school today? How old are you again?" Issei asks.

"Um... I believe I am twenty years old." You say.

"Hmm. Then there's a chance you'll be in my class. Anyway, we're getting late come on let's go." Issei says, opening the front door. You all walk down to a large building that reads Kuoh Academy.

"Ok then, you guys head off to class. Y\N, come with me." You both walk into a room which appears to be the Student Council President's room. "Hi, Sona." Rias sighs.

"Hello, Rias, who might this be?" Sona asks.

"This is Y\N  L\N. He is my new second rook and childhood friend. I was hoping you would let him enrol here?" Rias introduces you.

"A pleasure to meet you, Y\N. My name is Sona, and I will be your Student Council President." Sona smiles.

"Wait a sec. Sona? Might you be Serafall Leviathan's sister?" You look at her.

Her eyes widen. "You've heard of me and my sister?"

"Actually on occasion, I've met your sister." You say trying to recall memories.

"Just who are you?" She looks confused.

"The Fourth Primogenitor." You laugh.

Sona squints. "You wouldn't happen to be Avrora's blood servant Serafall told me about would you?"

"That's me!" You point to yourself.

She pushes her glasses up. "Very well then, I'll keep that in mind. Since you are already wearing the school uniform you may begin school today. I will show you to your classroom."

You both remain silent while Sona walks you over to your classroom. You hear murmuring from the boys bad-mouthing you for being another pretty boy and the girls asking if you are single. You choose to ignore them. When you get to your class Sona introduces you. You see Issei in the back give you the thumbs up. You sit in the empty seat in front of him. The teacher announces a surprise test and gives you twenty minutes to revise. Out of the corner of your eye, you see most of the girls ogling you. You hear a voice call out from behind you. "Hey, new kid. The name's Motohama. If you want to be friends I need to ask you a question first." He tilts his head which makes the shine on his glasses hide his eyes. "What is the best curve on a girl?" He asked.

"Her smile." You turn around and say.

"Wrong answer!" Motohama replied.

You hear Issei's voice. "I know this sounds big coming from me, but leave him alone. Not everyone is as perverted as we are. So, Y\N. How is your school experience so far?"

You turn around to look at him. "Wel-" The teacher throws a stick of chalk at you. You catch it between your fingers.

"Oooh!" The class says, in awe.

"SILENCE! Exam conditions. The test is on your desk so do it!" The teacher barks.

'Isn't a test supposed to be hard? These questions are so easy.' You think to yourself. After finishing the test you fall asleep. The teacher tries to throw a whiteboard at you but you dodge it in your sleep. The class laughs. You wake up. "Huh? What happened?" You say, looking confused.

"DO THE TEST OR I WILL EXPEL YOU RIGHT NOW!" The teacher screamed.

"I've already done it." You say with a murderous look in your eyes.

"Oh really then, Mr Einstein. What's the answer to question 2, 3 and 5?" He says with a smug look.

"Gandhi, Loratadine and Shanghai." You say with the same smug look. 'I have a feeling he doesn't like me. Oh well, that just makes this more fun.' You think to yourself.

The bell rings for lunch break. You walk over to the cafeteria, grab a sandwich and sit down. You notice a large muscular man and a group of people following him walk over to you. "Oi, Barbie. That's my table. Move, I don't want your blood on my shirt."

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