May 18 by Ptr. Grant Amasi

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Title: Check Your Roots

Scripture: Colossians 2:7 , Jeremiah 17:8

"Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness."
- Col. 2:7 (NLT)

For trees, roots serve two important functions. First, they give stability, enabling the tree to stand against strong winds and fierce storms; and second, they provide nutrients from the soil, enabling the tree to bloom and grow.

Having a good root means having a good foundation. It is a common knowledge that a good foundation is needed in order to survive and thrive. And we need that as humans, as they say, trials and storms in life are inevitable, and no one is exempted. We face them all the same.

As Christians, our root and foundation should be in Jesus Christ. Being rooted in Him means we get our nourishment and stability from Him. He is our life source.

We must stay connected with Him because as Mark 4:6,17 illustrated, plants with bad roots or no roots will surely wither and die. They do not have proper nourishment. This reveals that if we remain disconnected from Christ, we will be unable to access life to the full. We become much more defenseless and vulnerable to being pulled into negativity without an anchor to provide stability during difficult times.

It is not enough to say and claim that we are Christians. The results of being in Him must be evident in our lives. A root's strength is usually tested during storms. Right now, I believe we are facing a storm in our life. Are we standing firm and staying fully nourished in our faith during this crisis or pandemic?

- Being rooted in Christ keeps us from the grip of worry and fear.
- Being rooted in Christ gives us the ability to bend and not be blown away when the strong winds of life comes.
- Being rooted in Christ means surviving in the storms of life is not your main concern anymore, but thriving in them. Sure, it may break some branches or destroy some fruits, but having a good root means we are secured, and there's an assurance that those lost fruits and branches will be replaced in no time.

We need to stand firmly and be truly connected to our source of nourishment. See to it that our root, our foundation is in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

I have some simple questions here to see if our roots are connected in Him.

• Do you RECOGNIZE His power in your life?
• Do you OBEY His words and command?
• Do you OFFER your life to Him?
• Do you TRUST His plans?
• Do you SPEND time in His presence daily?

Check your roots, Stay Connected!

Encounter Christian Campus Ministry Daily Devotions 2020Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora