April 30 by Miss Jelyn Palandito

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Every single day is a struggle in this time we are in. We can definitely say that it is way different from what we have had faced before. This situation created new and different outlooks on how we see things in this world.

Often, we are bombarded of a lot of things like the news of injustices in our society, quota from our work, requirements from school, daily chores and the list goes on. Though, most of us, we are in the comfort of our homes we crave for a different comfort. A comfort from within.

Today, I wanted to share how this song, Confidence by Sanctus Real uplifted me for the past few days. If we will try to read and listen to its lyrics we can see that it specifically speak about the heroes of faith in the Bible. It spoke how Daniel, Moses, and David set an example for us. That to be confident we make our eyes be fixed in Jesus rather than upon ourselves and to our present situation.

When Daniel was thrown on to the lion's den, he wasn't harm because he had a deep faith and he trusted God. Moses on the other hand, despite of his worries, he trusted God's words and promises as he led the people of Egypt in to the wilderness. And David as the man after God's own heart, he is confident in God's power, trusts Him that He will see Him through life's struggles and has a transparent life.

If we look into the lives of these men, we can say that when we follow the calling of God, we will definitely face challenges. But if we only put the trust on ourselves, there, we will experience agonizing internal battles, our unending self-doubt like Moses did. But if we place our full confidence in God and not on to what we can bring, He will be able to bring down our giants. Because He will be working on our behalf. Lets just remember that He's after our heart and He's looking for our surrender and trust in Him.

Confidence - Sanctus Real

I'm not a warrior
I'm too afraid to lose
I feel unqualified for what you're calling me to
But Lord with your strength
I've got no excuse

'Cause broken people are exactly who you use
So give me faith like Daniel in the lion's den
Give me hope like Moses in the wilderness
Give me a heart like David, Lord be my defense
So I can face my giants with confidence

You took a shepherd boy
And made him a King
So I'm gonna trust you and give you everything
I'll be a conquerer
'Cause you fight for me
I'll be a champion claiming your victory

So give me faith like Daniel in the lion's den
Give me hope like Moses in the wilderness
Give me a heart like David, Lord be my defense
So I can face my giants with confidence

I'm gonna sing and shout and shake the walls
I won't stop until I see 'em fall
Gonna stand up, step out when you call
Jesus, Jesus

I'm gonna sing and shout and shake the walls
I won't stop until I see 'em fall
Gonna stand up, step out when you call

So give me faith like Daniel in the lion's den
Give me hope like Moses in the wilderness
Give me a heart like David, Lord be my defense
So I can face my giants with confidence, yeah

Give me faith like Daniel in the lion's den
Give me hope like Moses in the wilderness
Give me a heart like David, Lord be my defense
So I can face my giants with confidence
I'll face my giants with confidence

Scripture reading:
Daniel 6:23
Exodus 3 & 4
Psalm 26:2

>>>>>>>>>>Life Group Discussion Questions:
a. What are the things you're afraid of?
b. How did you deal with these things?

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