April 22 by Ma'am Gigi Pasion

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Holding onto HOPE

Romans 8:25
But we are hoping for something we do not have yet, and we are waiting for it patiently.

Hope is the perfect life preserver in the midst of any storm. It helps keep your head above water, enabling you to fight all feelings of discouragement and despair. As you catch an occasional glimpse of what lies beyond the waves, it aids in reminding you that help in on the way, even if you can't quite see it yet. Having hope helps you survive.

Today we really do not know what the future may bring,after more than 1 month of lockdown and Quarantine we still do not know what the future may bring, the only thing we can do is Hope for the best and trust God that he we deliver us from this crisis.

When storm clouds are gathering on the horizon, or if a downpour has caught you by surprise, hold fast to hope. Remember how God came through time and time again for people in the Bible. Think about how He's come through for you. Then, meditate on His steadfast promises , your greatest source of hope . Help is on its way. This storm will pass.
Hold on and Hope on Jesus Christ our source and our only Hope.❤️

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