May 07 by Miss Jelyn Palandito

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One of the attributes of God is His omnipresence- He is everywhere. We learned from our past bible studies that God has revealed Himself to people in unique ways. One is when He spoke to Moses through a burning bush. Another is when His glorious presence filled Solomon's temple that the people started to kneel, face down on the ground and worshipped.

As this disease causes countless deaths around the world, sometimes we find ourselves feeling alone and can't feel God's presence. Sometimes we're wondering and asking, "where is God during this pandemic?"

But in Joshua 1:19 God answered, "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.

How comforting to know that God is with us wherever we are, that we'll never be alone. Especially, in this kind of situation we are in.

Moreover, as believers, we have the opportunity to show people where God is in this pandemic. Because, He desires to love people through us. He is in us.
Let us continue to be the salt and light in this times of darkness. Today, we can show love to people by praying for them and by encouraging them through text message, chat , video call or any means we have. Starting with our family, to those who are in the front lines, to our friends.

Let's all have a safe and wonderful day ahead! God bless everyone! 💛

>>>>>>>>>>Life Group Discussion Questions:
a. When was the last time you've gone cold with the Lord? Or vice versa?
b. Have you ever been in a situation where you didn't felt Gods presence?

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