April 23 by Miss Jelyn Palandito

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Scripture: Philippians 2:15

So that you may become blameless and pure children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generations. Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky.

Often, we struggle a lot in life. May it be in our work, in our studies, in our families, in our relationships or within ourselves. Through these situations, we stumble and get hurt.

But the life of Apostle Paul will teach us, believers, how God will take and use every difficult circumstances to bring beauty out of our brokenness and how He will bring hope from our helplessness.
Though Paul was in prison and suffering, he kept writing for the Philippians. He showed them despite the prison chains that bound him and the wicked men that had accused him, it gave witness that he was in Christ and that the Spirit of God was working in his life. It proved Paul to be a blameless innocent, child of God in the warped and crooked generation. Wherein he stand to be a light for them.

When we accepted Christ in our life, we know and expected that it will not be about rainbows and sunshine. There will come a time that we will be tested, we will face trials after trials.

With God in our lives, I hope during this crisis we are currently facing we are the ones that gives encouragement to people. The ones that gives hope to someone who is still broken and lost.
Like how Apostle Paul in the prison to the Philippians, us quarantined we can also still be the the light that shines in the darkness.

Let's all be the star for someone who's still not with Christ today. God bless everyone! 💛

>>>>>>>>>>Life Group Discussion Questions:
a. What awful experience/situation you have been thankful for it happened? Why?

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