April 07 by Ptr. Harvey Bacuyag

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SCRIPTURE READING: 2 Chronicles 7:14

Shout out to all FRONT LINERS. Let us all thank these brave people who relentlessly fighting this deadly virus for us. 💪❤️

In this devotion, I want us to mirror ourselves in the lives of our FRONT LINERS. We must not forget that in the kingdom of God, we are the FRONT LINERS --KINGDOM FRONT LINERS. Let us take them us a reminder that we must be a KINGDOM FRONT LINERS.👍

Our front liners is our best leaders to fight his COVID-19 BATTLE.

Crisis is the breeding ground for leadership. Whenever crisis comes leaders stand up. And it is time for us to stand up.

Kingdom front liners, it is time for us to rise up and lead, lead your yourself, lead your family lead the people in your contact list.

God allowed His people to end up in this situation because he wants us to be the solution, He is using us to draw people to Him.

2 Timothy 4:5- "But you keep a clear mind in every situation. Don't be afraid or suffering for the Lord. Work at telling others the Good News, and fully carry out the ministry God has given us."

This our part to do, to spread the good news and God is looking for leaders who will rise up and take responsibility to spread the good news.

Front liners always reminds us to follow their guide. Following them is our big part in this fight.

Everybody follow something/someone. God has strategically put people in your life for you to follow.

Now, what/who do you follow or listen to? It is really important who/what we follow most especially in this confusing times. We should realize that that input produces the output. What we follow and who we listen to will determine our respond. You can't decide what's going to happen but how are you going to respond to this crisis.

Remember the bleeding woman who touched the clothe of Jesus and was healed (Mark 5:31-34). She said, "If I may touch his clothes I will be made whole." Notice what did she put in her mind, it is a faith input and produces faith response. She is in a desperate situation and so as we, and what she follows Jesus with faith.

This is the time to pursue God. This is the time to follow Him.

Front liners multiplied their time in this crisis. Many haven't even seen their family because of this situation. This is HUMILITY, looking for what is best for others.

Right now, in this season. Let us be reminded for us to win this battle, we need to surrender.
2 Chronicles 7:14- "Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land."

Let us get out of God's way and let Him reign in our hearts. Would you surrender to God? Stop sinning. Look for ways we can glorify HIM. Listen to His leading. Follow His words. Be Humble in prayer.

Kingdom Front liners, it is our job to LEAD people to Christ, FOLLOW and pursue God and Be HUMBLE in prayer.

Thank you Frontliners. 👏👏👏

>>>>>>>>>>Life Group Discussion Questions:
• Kamustahan: In your life, who serves as your hero? How? Why?
• Before the lesson: If you could be a part of something that makes an big impact to people, what would it be?
• After the lesson: What can personally do to spread God's good news of salvation?

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