April 21 by Ptr. Harvey Bacuyag

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Enjoying Closeness with our QuaranTEAM

Colossians 3:14-15

Family. It's a word that means different things to different people. For some, it means our closest blood relations. For others, it's a word to describe our deepest relationships, people for whom we would go to the ends of the earth. For many of us, our concept of family is some combination of the two.

Now with COVID-19, a lot of us find ourselves suddenly confined indoors for prolonged periods with family members. And some times we may feel mixed emotions of frustration, anxiety, impatience, boredome, fear, unproductive, stress and other things that makes our situation uncontrollable.

But what if we change our perspective and make the most of our situation? What if we see this as an opportunity for quality time, to better know and serve our family and our roommates? What if we refocus our minds to reframe the situation and clothe ourselves in love. What if we take the oppurtunity to strengthen fragile or tense relationships.

Choose love and focus on gratitude for what and who you have in your life at this time, as opposed to what you don't.
God will be faithful to work in you and grow you more in: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. The fruit of the spirit in you will stand as a living testimony, influence your family interactions, and have bearing on your household.

We can play new games, sing songs, activities, family traditions and other more to enjoy each other.

We can take advantage of technology and stay in touch more diligently. We can encourage to worried people, spreading peace, do devotionals or Bible studies.

We don't have to be slaves to our circumstances. Choose to change your perspective and live in love to those around you as Jesus did. You have the promise of God that He will turn this period of involuntary closeness into good, into what could be a very memorable time in which your family grows closer and stronger relationship.

>>>>>>>>>>Life Group Discussion Questions:
• Kamustahan: Describe your family?
• Before the lesson: What do you really love/enjoying doing with your family?
• After the lesson: What are things you work on in your family to be more closer? 

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