April 18 by Ptr. Jair Paul Abarca

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" With Christ in my Vessel, I can smile at the storm, smile at the storm, smile at the storm."
" With Christ in my Vessel, I can smile at the storm, until it drives me home."

A childhood Sunday school song na hindi ko makakalimutan simula noong nag start akong umattend ng VBS at mga Sunday Schools. It is coming back to me now – to smile at the storm!

The message of the song emphasized and empathized on the idea that – if God is sailing with us, we can smile at any storm in life. It doesn't mean to make less or undermine whatever that storm may be, but knowing that God is lord over that storm! And I truly have faith that God is powerful over this current 'storm' in our lives right now. This storm cannot minimize God's power over our lives, our relationships, our family and even our faith. This storm will not define us for the rest of our lives – God does!

It's a message of encouragement po para sa ating lahat that, when Jesus calmed the raging storm – He can also surely calm the raging storm of our lives right now. Putting in our hearts and minds that Jesus is truly Lord of all! A familiar phrase that comes to mind is this – IF JESUS IS NOT LORD OF ALL, HE IS NOT LORD AT ALL! Gawin po natin sanang Lord si Jesus sa buhay natin.

Limited po ang nagagawa natin physically dulot ng ECQ or Lockdown, pero unlimited naman po ang nagagawa ng isipan natin! Dalangin ko na si Jesus parin ang Lord ng bawat isipan natin as we progress from this crisis. Let God govern our thoughts and minds amidst this crisis.

Alam po natin na kapag merong storm or bagyo, hindi po maiiwasan ang pinsalang dala nito. Alam po natin na marami na ang napipinsala at apektado ng crisis ng covid19, pero sa kabila po ng lahat may we always continue to let God do His will sa buhay natin. May we always allow God to have his way kahit na gaano pa man ka hirap ng tatahakin natin as we move forward.

Here are few thoughts I'd like you to ponder:
LEARN TO PERSEVERE under TRIAL! – James goes on saying, knowing that the testing of your faith develops perseverance, and it should finish its work, so that we may be mature and complete, not lacking anything! (James 1:24)
- We always learn from experience, and we will surely learn from 'THIS' experience of Covid19.
- May this experience lead us to be more mature in handling situations in life unlike before!
- May this experience develop us to be more dependent on the Provider more than the providence.
- And may this experience hit us hard to value things that really matters to us!

LEARN TO BE HUMBLE under TRIAL – James 4:10 says, humble yourselves before the Lord, and God will lift us up. Everything is stretched thin during this long period of home quarantine and lock down, especially our patience. So, what happens when you ran out of patience? – Bad things will follow!
- May God stretch our patience each day and give us a heart that is only seeking to please Him.
- May God increase our faith and decrease our fear!
- May God use this inconvenient situation right now in order for us to be better not bitter. To be faithful not faithless!
- And may we allow the Holy Spirit to govern our thoughts and minds despite of boredom, temptations and impatience!

I'd like to end this devotion with the last and chorus part of that song:
"Sailing, I am sailing Home"
"Sailing, I am sailing Home"
"Sailing, I am sailing Home"
"Until it drives me Home"

Remember – THE SUN ALWAYS SHINES AFTER THE STORM.......God knows we will get through this together – just "IN HIS TIME"! (and another spiritual song again! -)

God bless kapatid!!!!!!

>>>>>>>>>>Life Group Discussion Questions:
1. What usually is our response when other people disturb our comfort?
2. What usually is our response when problems and testing hit us right in the face?
3. If you can and will learn from this pandemic, what will it be? and why?

Encounter Christian Campus Ministry Daily Devotions 2020Where stories live. Discover now