March 24 by Ptr. Harvey Bacuyag

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To survive, we need survival tools as we go on this unexpected crisis. I hope and pray that you always put these things in your heart. This is from God.

John 16:33 says "In this world you will have trouble, but take heart I have overcome the world."

What do we need to overcome the world with this situation?
Knife is very valuable in many ways to make other tools and food prep. This is symbolic of the Word God. In troubled times like this, we really need to use our faith. As we use it, faith can become dull with all the hard situations that comes with panic and confusion that really test it. But daily time in God's word will sharpen our faith.

In extreme cold conditions, it's the difference between life and death. Fire can provide us comfort. In the Old Testament fire was symbolic of God's presence. God appeared to Moses in a burning bush for example. We are in a situation of life and death, and many of us are so worried. But in the midst of worrisome that make us cold spiritually, know this: God is your comfort and peace. Put your faith on Him.

Rope's basic use is to bind, to tie and to lash. It is useful for building shelter, traps, fishing. etc. If we apply this spiritually we discover a critical element of overcoming this situation we are in. It will speaks of our authentic relationship with God. We don't survive by our own strength but by God's power. Always relate to HIM through prayer.

Tent serves us a shelter. It protects from extreme elements such as cold, wind, heat and rain. As we go all this dark situation in our lives Satan will take the opportunity to bombard us with lies in every direction that we cannot see that will make fearful that lead us to doubt God. But always remind yourseldlf to be still and know that He is God that is concern with your safety and protection. Memorize God's promises.

We cannot survive long enough without water. The bible says God is the living water. All of us right are thirsty for safety and security, thirsty for this situation will be over, thirsty for freedom. Through Him we will be filled with these things and it will overflow. To apply this to our lives, let your God-filled life overflow to others who needs peace, comfort, assurance, light, strength and encouragement.

Hope these things will bring light in your day. Overcome the world with Jesus in your heart.
God bless.

>>>>>>>>>>Life Group Discussion Questions:

• Kamustahan: What things did you overcame?
• Before the lesson: What does it take to survive from difficulties of life.
• After the lesson: From "God's Survival Tools", what will you use FIRST at your current situation? Why?

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