April 13 by Ptr. Grant Amasi

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Scripture: 1 John Chapter 1

He is exactly what we need!

Since this virus started spreading, majority of the people became hyper-health-conscious. The Department of Health advised the people to be extra careful and hygienic. The demand for cleaning agents, disinfectants, alcohol and sanitizers increased significantly. We became conscious on our physical cleanliness as no one wants to catch the disease. The fear of this virus became evident to the extent that some people became selfish and greedy in buying sanitizers and alcohols.

We live in a dirty world indeed. But impurities don't come only in terms of dirt, bacteria, or viruses. We humans are also in danger of toxins or pollutants that attack not the physical, but our spiritual bodies as well. In this crisis, we don't just battle the virus, but we are also battling spiritual toxins. Perhaps in the past few days we've battled against anger, fear, laziness, doubt, and selfish desires. Especially in our situation today where some of us has nothing to do other than stare at our cellphones and TV screens the whole day, this exposes us to these things. From our social media news feed to the movies that we watch, even the music that we hear offers some impurities that seek to pollute the heart.

Imagine how convenient it could be if we can buy a sanitizer that rids of the impurities in our heart, something that cleanses the pollution in the people's minds and thoughts, and purifies the soul.

Thank God we have one! And it's not for sale, but is freely given. Jesus died on the cross for that matter. To clean and wash away the sins of this world.

Jesus is all that we need!
He is the sanitizer that this world needs.
Yes, we live in a virus infested world, but the blood of Jesus is powerful enough to sanitize us and make our hearts clean and pure.
- This sanitizer is free and does not go out of stock.
- Feel free to use and apply it into your lives.
- And don't forget to share it with the people around you so that they would have a chance of surviving this dirty world as well.

Encounter Christian Campus Ministry Daily Devotions 2020जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें