May 13 by Engr. Janssen Tolentino

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– Encounter Alumni. Urdaneta, Pangasinan
On Semiconductor SSMP Phil. Corp


In times of sufferings, problems, trials, hard times we have ask God "Why and How"? WHY? A three-letter word that needs an explanation. An explanation that might give satisfaction. When we experience hard times, we tend to ask God Why? Why me? Why is this happening? And sometime we feel that God is not answering us. But actually God hears all our questions we just have to wait to realize that the answer is already happening or happened already. We need to realize it.

Remember the life of Job. He asks God on his sufferings Why? Why me Lord?. And God gives us the answer that Job's suffering was for God to diagnose Job's faith, to develop Job's Faith and to Display Job's Faith. As for today, we can get the answers of our Why's through our realizations, we just have to take the happenings openly and positively. On the crisis we are facing, we might have ask God why is this happening? And one of my realizations is that God allow this because the Earth needs rest and healing. And that after weeks of lockdown the Earth is healing.

How? A three-letter word that needs an action. An action for accomplishment. During the hard times we should also ask How? How will I get through with this situation? How will I deal the situation? Because God will not give us a situation that we will not capable of dealing. So ask how? In the life of Job, we see how he dealt his sufferings by keeping his Faith in God even in the midst overwhelming and disappointing comments from his friends. As for this COVID19 Crisis or in any situations in life, keep the faith and trust God in his purpose. Let be the inspiration of others and use our hard times to show God's glory. Ask about how can these hard times, brokenness, problems, tragedies be used to show God's glory? instead of asking Why?

Instead of asking "Why me?" ask "Why not me?" Instead of asking "Why?" ask "How?" I believe that everything happens God can turn it for a good reason. You just need to Believe HIM. You just need to Trust HIM. For in our sufferings and hard times, we don't need an explanation; we need strength to take an action. We don't need an explanation; we need Savior in our action. We don't need an explanation; we need comfort and support for our action.

Encounter Christian Campus Ministry Daily Devotions 2020حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن