May 02 by Von Mark Mendoza

25 1 0

- (Encounter Dagupan Graduating Student)

Aren't we excited if we heard the word NEW? Having new clothes, new gadgets, new phone, new experiences, etc., are some of the best gifts you can give to yourself. But in this moment of our life, we don't have any New Things, and what we have is just a NEW LIFE.

Nowadays, we are living in the world where no one could ever imagine what will happen. We are not all free to go outside because of the health threat anywhere. Our NEW LIFE began, we stayed at home for the past weeks more likely doing stuffs at home, playing games, doing take home exams, reading our Bible. Doing the same thing day by day.

And now that we are facing towards the end of this ECQ, our NEW LIFE continues with the so called NEW NORMAL way, wherein you can only go in the limited places with a limited people. Regardless, God wants to do a new thing in our Life.

Isaiah 43:18-19
Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.

Change Your Focus_
Repent and Forget whatever you did wrong before. God gives us another chance to make our life focused on His desire. Do not dwell on the past, you cannot allow your past mistakes to possess you. God gives us opportunity to start over.

While we are suffering on this pandemic, God restores the earth, the nature and most especially, He restores our souls by knowing that God is in control of everything. He offers a NEW LIFE to live, and with this, we all do it with Christ.

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