3. What is Coming

Start from the beginning

"And you as well, Galen." Sabrina stood, following the pair out of the swinging doors of the tavern.

The streets of Gera were bustling with laughter and vendors shouting at people,  selling an assortment of items ranging from jewelry to luxurious silks. Geranians displayed their water magic abilities in an attempt to attract customers while children tried to recreate creatures with their magic.

A clear water butterfly flew past Sabrina's face as she moved with Galen towards the center of the square. The small owner of the butterfly shot past, banging into her while their friends laughed, and ran after them. It was a peaceful town where the land flourished, and its people thrived.

Sabrina was overtaken by an onslaught of bittersweet emotions. The Kan Kingdom, her homeland, could never compare with its drier land and its people struggling to survive.

At the market town's square, the path split into multiple directions. Sabrina grasped Galen's shoulder, and he nodded in return.

"After a fortnight, meet me back at the shop," Galen said. At Sabrina's nod, Galen and Ren turned away, beginning their trip back to their smith shop.

Sabrina took in a deep breath of crisp air. She smiled at the children dancing by the water fountain in the middle of the square. They lifted water out of the fountain and twirled it around like ribbons. Sabrina watched them for a moment before turning away. With a heavy heart, she started towards the Hardingham Castle.

Now, it was time for her to do her part.

She pulled her hood over her distinct Kantian features: the raven black hair and pale skin. She strolled towards the formidable stone castle looming in the distance.

On a large uphill slope, the castle overlooked the entire population of people in its town. Green, brown, and yellow houses and shops continued upwards, stopping a couple of feet away from the moat surrounding the castle's wall. A perfect defensive component for Geranians.

By the time Sabrina reached the castle, the sun was sitting high in the sky, and her stomach growled from lack of a proper meal. Ignoring the familiar feeling, Sabrina took a deep breath and approached the main gate that sat between twin watching towers. The two guards slumped against the towers straightened at the sight of her.

"State your name and business at the castle," The heavier set guard of the two stated.

Heart racing, Sabrina stretched to her full height and spoke with a calmness she didn't feel on the inside. "My name is Lady Sabrina Sanora, sister of the Queen of the Kan Kingdom, Liliana Sanora. I am here to peacefully offer my aid and services to King Chancellor Garner of the Gera Kingdom."

For a moment, silence was their only response. Then the guards jumped into action, moving in unison to grab Sabrina's arms. They began to drag her forward, her feet tripping over each other as she struggled to keep up with their pace.

Her heart sped up as the castle grounds blurred past her. The guards were shouting at their companions to alert the king.

Sabrina almost wanted to laugh. Of course, she should have known better.

The bloody history between the Kan and Gera kingdom went far back, and their hatred for each other was palpable. The guards yanked her through the golden hallways of the castle, servants crashing into the walls to move out of the way. Large golden-yellow doors with the face of a dragon engraved into them appeared ahead.

The guards stationed at the door heaved it open at their approach. The guards dragged her across the blue and gold rug that stopped at the stairs, leading to a heightened stone platform. On it sat two elegant thrones of oak covered in green textured and layered marks. Travertine columns lit up the entire throne hall and covered the hall in warm oranges and dancing shadows. The intricate golden patterns on the arched ceiling glittered in the flickering light while marble statues looked down upon the stone floor.

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