13: Thoughts

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Unedited but fairly long. Like 4.6K words long. Farrah's part sucks, sorry, I'll get to that later. A fair warning tho: this chapter might make you cry. It made me cry too. Well almost-cry. Anyways, leave your feedback and votes :) 


plus, pray for peshawar.

13: Thoughts

When Farrah wakes up this morning, her mind immediately tells her to go back to sleep and just avoid school altogether. She has good reason to – she practically ran away from Farhanna – she doesn’t want to face her friend yet. She has no idea what excuse she’ll come up. She knows that she can’t plan to avoid Farhanna forever; the meet-up with her is inevitable especially in this small school, where everyone sees everyone in just eight hours.

So Farrah quickly dismisses the annoying alarm clock in her mobile and settles in to bed again, clutching her soft pillow to her chest. Her eyes are wide open and sleep seems like a faraway thought but she still manages to close her eyes.

She tries to fight the thoughts away but fails miserably. She still doesn’t want to get out of bed though and only gets out when her mother barges in to the room, angrily tapping at her door.

It is only then that she accepts the bitter truth – she has to go to school.

When her mother, assured that Farrah has woken up, stalks off to her own room, Farrah throws a huge fit and throws her clothes on the wall, only to pick them up two minutes later. The fit, however, does no wonder to her mood. It only gets her to swear under her breath loudly and throw more things around.

The irritation courses through her veins and she really wants to murder someone right now but she fights the feeling off, muttering a short prayer to God and then, sets off for school without eating her breakfast because when she’s angry, she loses her appetite.

All in all, Farrah has thrown a fit, completely messed up her room and skipped breakfast in the first hour of the day. Needless to say, it has not been a very good start.

Sighing, Farrah enters the school gates, five minutes later. She always seems to be sighing when she walks in the school. In fact, every student sighs when he/she walks in to the school. It just means school is a hellhole but then, so are people.

And right now, she is more irritated with the presence of people than the presence of school.

Clenching and unclenching her fists and letting out a soft growl of anger, Farrah proceeds to her locker. To destroy her mood furthermore, all the things fall out of the locker when she opens it. She yelps out when the heavy books land on her feet and her reflexes are too slow to force her to move back.

“I am really going to kill someone right now,” Farrah says loudly to her locker and a few students who happen to be passing by, chuckle at her antics.

“Why don’t you kill yourself? It’ll ease your anger away,” A voice says teasingly and Farrah whips around, barely controlling her anger.

What?” She glares at Rohan, who is smirking at her.

He shrugs, “Calm down, woman. You look like you’re gonna eat someone.”

Farrah glares at him, “I won’t calm down until fate dies.”

He chuckles, “That bad?”

“Why do you care?” She shoots back. “Why are you talking to me?”

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