4: Imperfect

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I am so sorry this chapter sucks. The next one is better, promise. I already started working on it! ^_^ 

Plus, thank you so much for all the support, guys :) Keep reading/voting/commenting! It makes my day! :D

4: Imperfect

Farrah Adam is growing sick of life with every passing minute. As she waits, her shoulders hunched, she can't even cry anymore because the tears have run out and the wet pathways down her cheek have turned dry due to the chilly November wind. 

The streets have grown uncharacteristically silent. The faint voices of people that she had been hearing have disappeared and every single movement she makes echoes, dreadfully loud, cutting through the eerie silence of the night. 

She tries to remain as still as a statue because even the sound of her own voice scares her. Maybe it's because of the dark that has taken over the area. All the people have gone to sleep and it is only Farrah who sits on the corner of the street, waiting and waiting for her family to come. 

At one point, she almost falls asleep, with her head in her hands but then the howling of a lost dog makes her jump five feet high in the air and she decides that perhaps, sleeping is not the best thing to do at the moment. 

She rubs her eyes that feel swollen and they keep shutting of their own accord even though her mind keeps nagging at her to stay awake because the night is apparently dangerous. 

She wonders if any one misses her or even knows that she is lost, in the middle of nowhere. Well, Red Street, to be exact but the fact that she doesn't know where that is, makes it practically the same thing. 

Her mind shifts to her newly found friend, Farhanna. She had promised her that she'd tell her all about her drama class and she's afraid that Farhanna will think that she's run away and is purposely ignoring her. And to be perfectly honest, what scares her the most is the possibility of Farhanna's running away from her. 

That has always been a problem for her. Whenever she makes friends, she is terrified of the prospect that they'll leave her one day. It's just that, when she makes friends, her heart is too much in to it, no matter how much she tries to stop herself from becoming too attached. 

So, instead, she just spends her alone time, worrying about rejection and betrayal and that's really why she doesn't want to have "alone" time. She's better off talking to someone. 

She rubs her temples, sighing, when another howl echoes in the deadly silence. A cold breeze slaps her on the cheek to add to her despair and she finds some wetness clinging yet again on her eyelashes. 

She was wrong. The tears have not run out yet. 

But before they can escape from her eyes, a car chugs on the road and she blinks to clear her blurry vision. She is more than relieved when she finds that it is her brother who is rolling down the window rather than her mother. 

"Get in," He says. 

She runs to the passenger seat and gets in without hesitation. Her brother starts the ignition wordlessly and the engine roars to life. 

"What took you so freaking long?" Farrah asks, scowling. 

"Ammi* came to find you but she couldn't locate the street and winded up, coming back to me for help," Zain shrugs, "She was really angry." 

"When isn't she angry?" Farrah mutters under her breathe. 

He glances at her. "Islam teaches us to be respectful towards elders, sissy. I don't see why you hate mother so much." 

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